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Today will be a busy day. We have to work so long, I don't want to. Jeno picked me up today, this is at least a bit motivation. ,,I'm really unmotivated today.'' I told him as well, leaning on his shoulder while he drives. ,,Yeah, me too. But only today. We work hard today and tomorrow we have only four hours.'' Oh yeah, tomorrow is the party. I wonder what other people will come. I guess there will also be some actors which I know, since we already had the same colleagues once or twice.
We arrived at the set, changed our clothes and went inside. Mr Seo wanted to hold a speech. ,,Thank you all for coming and doing your work.'' He laughed. So we laughed as well. We all got really close here. ,,Today we will work very hard. Do your best! Tomorrow you only have to come for three to four hours. And the day after you're free!'' The staff cheered. We all went on our positions and waited for Mr Dong to shout ''Action!''.
We're done. We finished everything what we wanted to film today and can now go. Jeno and me left the dressing room together as always and went to his car. Instead of driving me home he drove to a chicken restaurants. ,,Do you want- Nana?'' I just heard something, it wasn't clear but I think this is what the person said. I felt that someone played with my cheeks, so I opened my eyes. Just then I noticed that I sit beside Jeno in his car, on a fast food diner parking lot. ,,Do you want chicken?'' He softly asked and pointed at the diner. ,,Yes, chicken is great, yes.'' He ran his hand through my hair. ,,You're so adorable.'' After that he drove in the drive-in and I threw my head back again. He ordered and drove somewhere. More I couldn't feel or realize because I fell asleep again.
I noticed how someone carried me and opened my eyes. I saw Jeno. He was holding me like a princess. I felt that he was walking upstairs an then I noticed that he carried me home. The boy opened my door and put me on the sofa. ,,Hey~ you're awake.'', he whispered, put a blanket on me, he softly kissed my cheek and ran his hand through my hair. Something is weird. But I feel so safe with him at the moment. My heart is beating so fast. After taking off our shoes, he got the chicken box and sat beside me. ,,Please sleep here tonight.'' I said it so quietly that I wasn't sure if he actually heard it. ,,Huh? Are you alright?'' Jeno touched my forehead, probably to check my temperature. But I'm not sick, just tired. ,,Okay, I will stay tonight.''

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