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I run as fast as never. I thought something really bad would have happened. When I stood in front of him I punched him on the chest, but not strong. My tears were running down my face, I couldn't hold them back. ,,Why don't you answer my texts and calls?!'' I shouted at him in tears. He hugged me and patted my head. ,,I'm sorry Baby. My phone.. the battery is empty. But I'm fine! I'm doing alright, okay?'' He held my face between his big, warm hands and wiped off my tears. ,,Don't worry. I'm here.''
Yeah, like that we stood for - actually I don't know how long. Were it two minutes or ten? Less? More? I don't know it, but I felt safe, comforted and he just is so cozy.
After that unknown while we went to the set. All the staffs have already seen us, so they haven't had to call the police.

We were done doing our acting stuff and were free to go home. I waited in front of Jeno's car. Mr Seo and Mr Dong wanted to talk to him, alone. He came out of the building with his typical Jeno-smile. It seemed like nothing happened. He looked so happy.
He drove me home and during that time we were talking about him. ,,So what did you do yesterday?" I ask him because I wanna check this Sungchan out. ,,We haven't seen in each other for a long time, that's why we wanted to meet up. Actually, we just talked, nothing happened.'' He probably saw that I was nervous and jealous. ,,Oh my god, you think we kissed.'' He started laughing about me. ,,Princess are you jealous?'' He teased me, of course. And also, Baby, Princess.. What's with him today? ,,Stop talking nonsense.'', I said and pouted. The older giggled. ,,Nonsense..'', he repeated quietly. Yeah nonsense. At least he should think that. I like him, but I'm not gonna tell him now. I will get rejected anyway.
,,Jaemin?'' With his left hand he waved in front of my face. ,,We arrived.'' He then said when I looked at him. ,,Oh yeah.. Sorry.'' I wanted to open the door. ,,You don't have to be sorry. Is something making you think a lot?'' I leaned back in the seat again, just looking in front of me. ,,Yeah there is something. But it's too complicated, I might tell you another time.'' Now I looked at him and smiled. He looked a bit sad. I opened my door. While I got out of his car, Jeno asked me what I would do now. ,,I think I'm gonna play some video games and get some coffee. What about you?'' He nervously played with his steering wheel. ,,I might do work out.'' Oh wow, can't I watch him?? Please~? ,,Sounds sexy~'' I said and giggled. ,,Yeah? Wanna come over and watch me?'' He asked jokingly but winked at the end. I almost gay panicked cause of him. ,,Tomorrow we have again a longer work day. Mr Dong and Me Seo told me.'' Jeno then changed the topic. I left out a stressed sigh but then nodded. ,,Fine, we gotta work hard. Thanks for telling me.'' The pretty boy showed his cute eye-smile once again. ,,Drive carefully, please.''
After he said bye and that I should sleep well later, I closed the door and went in my apartment.

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