Chapter 8: Secrets

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Peter POV

"What do you mean Peter?" She stands up and looks extreamly confused.

"When I was out on patrol, it was quiet so I was looking at the stars and remebering Tony, when this new guy, Deadpool came up to me. He said theres a new secret organization that somehow has the a small peice of each ininifty stone. He believes that maybe it will be weak enough for someone to hold all 6 and not get injured but powerful enough to bring them back," I explain while standing up and pacing across the room.


"His sister...and Tony," I stop and look at her.

"Oh Peter I know you miss him," She comes over to me and gives me a hug, "but we can't give into fasle hope or all the healing will have been for nothing."

I push her away, "HEALING?! Pepper are you serious. I haven't done any healing. I don't go to school. I barely come out of my room. Except to patrol. I can't even go into certian areas without breaking down. I don't know how you could be so okay now that hes gone. He was the love of your life, the father of your child. You should be just as if not more broken than I am except if," I pause and look at her, she wont meet my gaze, "really Pepper? who is it."

"Peter I don't know what you're talking about."

"Who. Is. It." I say through gritted teeth. I know I shouldnt be angry but I am. How could she just move on from Tony like he's nothing.

She sighs, "Rhodey."

"Rhodey?! Tony's best friend!" I can feel my face heat up and my insides feel like they're boiling, "are you serious Peper?"

"It was an accident, he was helping me and-" she stops herself, "why am I explaining this to an 18 year old boy? Its none of your buisness Peter Parker. I am your legal gardian."

"I am 18 so I don't have to follow your rules," I snap back. I lean against the wall and look around and only then do I notice all the boxes, "what are you doing with Tony's stuff."

"I'm packing it up Peter, he's not coming back. Its time for us to move on."

"Easy for you to say your already cuddled up with a new guy. But what about me? Or Morgen? What about the reast of the Avengers?"

"Peter please don't make this harder than it has to be."

"Pepper get out," I say in an eerily calm voice.

"Peter you can't do that."

I look up at her and take a step towards her, "get out Pepper."

This time she steps back, she tries to say something but I turn my back on her and so she stomps out I wait till I can no longer hear her heels clicking before I speak.

"FRIDAY take Peppers finger prints out of this labs data base. Do not allow her in."

"I'm sorry Peter but you need a passcode in order to do this."

I wrap my head around the possible passcodes.

"I am the best."

"Invalide passcode. Try again."

"Morgan Stark."

"Invalide passcode. Try again."

I try the only other one I can think of, "Led Zeplin."

"Passcode accepted. Deleting Peper Starks finger prints from allowence database."

I turn and look at the door, thinking and thinking.

Pepper might be moving on but I'm not. And I doubt the Avengers are either. If she wont help me, maybe they will. 

And with that thought I walk out of the rooms and pull out my phone.

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