Chapter 3: After Him

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Time Skip to after The Movies because I have the power of a Writer and ya'll already know what happens in them and I'm to lazy to write them out.

I've stayed with Pepper since Mr. Starks death. He saved the world that day. Which was great don't get me wrong it was great that he was such a good Hero and he was selfless and brave and to ready to sacrifice his life for the greater good. But, while techniclly the world was being saved. My world was destroyed.

After May died (she never came back after Bruce snapped his fingers to bring everyone back) Mr. Stark was the only adult I had in my life. I mean I had Pepper and the rest if the Avengers but honestly no one got my like Mr. Stark. I missed a lot of school. Thankfully MJ and Ned kept me up-to-date on all work that I had, I did not miss teh toment from Flash and I don't know if I'd be able to keep calm around him.

Pepper couldn't stand to be in the house so we moved back with the Avengers. Yes, even that was still hard but there at least Pepper would have help and even be able to manage Stark industries until she found someone more suitable for the job. Morgan was so young still.

Sure she would have memories of Mr. Stark. And she knew that she loved him 3000. She knew that her daddy wasn't coming home. For awhile she would cry out in the middle of the night and I would go in and comfort her telling her stories about her dad and how amazing she was. A month later she seemed to be doing better.

After awhile most of the Avenegers were back to normal. Or as normal as possible. Thor and the Guardians were off doing who knows what in the Galaxy. Hawkeye was off with his children as his wife had left him after the battle not being able to handel the Avenger stuff anymore, knowing Clint would never be able to give it up fully. Scott was with his wife and daughter. Wanda and Peitro were off trying to find a home for themselves.

Natasha(Still Alive), Steve(Still young), Bucky, Bruce and Rhodey stayed in the tower with Pepper, Morgan and I. I was glad to have the company and I know Pepper was glad for the help but sometimes being around them was to much to bear. Sometimes I would just look at us all watching a movie or eating and there was always an empty chair or place that nobody could fill or take away. 

His ghost would always be with me. I hear his voice when I'm working in the lab which I don't do often, as its to quiet without his loud rock music. Or when I'm out on patrol to be safe. Tony was the only father figure I had in my life as just as each of the others he perished soon after. Parkers luck I guess.

Because of this I distanced myself from the others. Not letting them see behind my smile and laughs to the broken boy underneith. My mom, my dad, uncle Ben, aunt Many and now Mr. Stark. I couldn't have another person around me die. My days were always the same. Wake up eat breakfast. Go for a run, come home and shower, watch a movie with Morgan, make us lunch, train with one of the Avengers, eat dinner, do homework, patrol and go to bed.

Patroling was the only time I really got to get away. I would get to clear my head and all the bad things went away when I was helping the people in my city out. I would just look at the stars and close my eyes remembering what happened with Mr. Stark and wondering if there was a way I could've saved him.

"And I am Iron Man," I watched in horror as the man I grew close to snapped his fingers. The fighting noises stopped as the enimies looked aropund in confusion. I saw Tony sit against a rock and the world normally to loud to bear went quiet. I was only focused on one thing. Mr. Stark. I ran over to him. "Mr. Stark? We won Mr. Stark. We won. I'm sorry." I say as I look at the vacant look in his eyes. I feel someone pull me away and I am crying. I do'nt hear anything until Pepper says "You can rest now."

I am starttled out of the memory by someone landing on the building next to me. I look up and see a figure in a black and red suit with two samuri looking swords on his back. I jump up ready for a fight.

"Woah hey, hey, hey," he holds up his hands singnaling he doesn't want to fight. I relax standing up straight, "Spider-Man right?"

I look down at the spider on my chest, "No I'm Star-Boy, Yes I'm Spider-Man. Who are you?"

I'm Deadpool and I need your help."


A/N: Hey I'm posting two because the last one was basiclly just the movie sorry about that I just wanted to get the meeting in there. So I'm thinking about putting Peter with either Harely, MJ or Wade who would obvsly be peters age. What do you want to see?

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