Chapter 4: My choice

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Peters POV

"Um...I've never even heard of you."

"Oh right," he said holding out his hand, "I'm the hero that looks after the city while you're away."

"Hmm..." I shake his hand, "what do you need help with again?"

"Well I lost my sister during the battle with the aleins. You see not all of them went to where you guys where at. Thanos wanted to make sure none of the Heros could stop him. My sister, just happened to be one of those heros. She went by the name 'Dark Warrior'. Probably didn't hear about her either. Well he killed her, or more has his people kill her. Since then I took over her role and have been looking for a way to bring her back."

I perk up now intrested.

"Well I found some sort of expermental project a group called EVERMORE was working on."

"EVERMORE? Whats EVERMORE and why haven't we heard about them?" I asked perplexed atthis new organization.

"They're some typr of secret society. On the outside they just look like a cult but I have people on the inside and there's some serious hardcore magic and science at work."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Well since we need both magic and science I figured you were someone I could come to."


"Well you have Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Suprime and The Scarlet Witch who both have amazing magical powers. Plus theres Bruce Banner one of the biggest and best scientists of out time. And then theres Peter Parker who everyone is saying is going to be the next Tony Stark."

"Nobady could be Tony Stark."

"Well no, but he's got some mad skills apreantly enough for Tony to take him under his wing."

I look at the ground thinking about what he's saying.

"What does this EVERMORE group have?"

"A tool," I stare blankly at him.

"It's almost like the infinity stones but made in a lab. Some say its peices of the stone but together in a smaller stone so it won't eb as powerful as it was before."

I have to sit on the edge of the building for a minute. This new stone could be the answer to our prayers but it could be dangerous and we don't know if it will kill the person who uses it. I can't lose someone else to some sort of sorcery but we could get Mr. Stark back. 

After a year of not hearing his voice except on recordings and not being able to see him. I could smell his overly expensive cologne and I could hug him. It's dangerous though.

"Don't do it kid. It's to dangerous you'll get yourself killed." I hear Mr. Starks voice in my head.

I make my desicion and stand up lookung at the hero in front of me.

"All right," I say, "I'll help you."


A/N hey guys I'm sorry for the short chapter the next one will be longer I promise

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