The Neuri Tribe

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The Neuri Werewolves belong to a big tribe which lived along the southern Bug River somewhere in or around current Poland. Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, who lived from 484 BC to 425 BC is considered one of the few first sources of information about werewolves.

In his Histories of Herodotus, he wrote about the Neuri people; 'It seems that these people are conjurers: for both the Scythian's and the Greeks who dwell in Scythia say that every Neurian once a year becomes a wolf for a few days at the end of which he is restored to his proper shape.' Herodotus also mentioned that the Neuri tribe was displaced from their land by serpents.

The Neuri were a tribe that lived north of the Tyres. They were said to be a tribe that had been driven from their original homeland due to an invasion of serpents. There are reports of a tale that claim the Neuri transformed into wolves once a year, though this is sometimes seen as a reference to their shamanic practices.

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