Werewolf Spells

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There are number of stories where people talk about the transformation of man into a werewolf this is perhaps true, because this can take place due to some accidents or due to a natural process. In the form of an accident it may be due to the bite of the werewolf to a normal being, or say that it might be the curse from the lord for the bad deeds. But nowadays people wish to become a werewolf in order to acquire power and strength like that of wolf and to put an end to the rule of the vampire kingdom. This is mainly done through spells known as werewolf spells. These werewolf spells are very powerful as they can turn the life of one person from mortal to immortal in few minutes.

Spell 1:

To turn into a werewolf you need to practice some werewolf spell. For this you need to have a mirror with you. Don't perform this activity in the daylight wait for the sun set. Now after the sun set use some focus light targeting your face. Next is to stare to your face and appearance on the mirror keenly observe to your appearance and structure as a human.

You need to do this for about 3-4 days. Then finally from the start 5 day begin visualizing yourself getting transformed into a wolf. Slowly and steadily see your face, hands, legs, and your whole body converting into a mighty werewolf.

Spell 2:

You can do that, or try this werewolf spell. This spell works in the moon is full. It will turn you into a werewolf every night on full moon. To perform this spell you must make sure that you are ousted in the daylight and chant the following verses:

"I crave to be werewolf in the bursting moon light and I wish to have a fur like that of the werewolf the power of the werewolf. I want to stay as a werewolf until the one hour."

You need to speak out these verses during the daylight and make sure that you are in an open area. When the night falls view the moon directly and you will turn into a werewolf.

1. Werewolf spells number 1 to become a werewolf:

You will require the following to perform this Werewolf spell-

This spell does not require any of the material stuff to become a werewolf. All you need is to close your eyes and just say your desire, that you plead for the Goddess to turn you into a werewolf, to please turn you into a werewolf.

II. Werewolf spells number 2 to become a werewolf:

You will require the following to perform this Werewolf spell-

1. Outside in an open area
2. In daylight

This spell works in the moon is full. It will turn you into a werewolf every night on full moon. To perform this spell you must make sure that you are outside in the daylight and chant the following verses:

"I crave to be werewolf in the bursting moon light and I wish to have a fur like that of the werewolf the power of the werewolf. I want to stay as a werewolf until the one hour."

Perform this during the daylight and make sure that you are in an open area. When the night falls view the moon directly and you will turn into a werewolf.

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