Complications pt.1

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I was at home in my little studio when I got a text from a random number. I didn't think to much about it until they messaged me again so I decided to see what it was.

Random number
Listen I don't want to cause trouble but Bella slept with me awhile ago. 

*voice audio*  don't believe me ask her.

I knew exactly who it was and it was of course Selena. I went upstairs and saw Bella reading a pregnancy book. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.

"Bella I'm not gonna sit here and fuck around so I will ask you one time and one time only. Did you or did you not sleep with Abel a while back?" I asked as she looked at me like I was crazy.

"No, where are you getting this from. Y/n I would never do that. Listen sure I've made mistakes in the past but I would do that, we have the perfect little family and I love you so much to even do that. I will do anything to prove that to you. Check my location, look through my phone do Whatever you need to do, but I am telling you that I didn't do that." Bella said with a straight face. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was telling the truth but a part of me felt like that Selena was right, and I don't know why. Bella never did anything to make me feel as if she has been cheating on me.

"Very well." I said quietly as I walked out the door leaving her in the room. I didn't want to push her any further. If she was telling the truth then I'd just look like an asshole, and if she wasn't then I'd just look so stupid, so I figured I'd leave it alone for now.

"Dada" Grayson said as he reached for me as I smiled and picked him up.

A/n : ok so there is no confusion Grayson is going to be 2 years old. I forgot his age last chapter but he is 2 !!

"Hey bubba what's up." I said kissing his check and placed him down. I got his bottle put some orange juice in and handed it to him.

"Okay buddy I'll see you later." I said as he was watching Nemo and drinking from his bottle as he disregarded me.

I got in my car and didn't know where to go. I thought about going to my mom but I knew my dad would be there and has something smart to say and then I thought about Lauren but remembered her and rosaliá are on vacation so I went to a cliff that had an amazing view and I would be able to park there and just think.

No one was there thankfully and I was sitting there only for my head to be tangled in the web of all that happened in the past hour. I wanted to believe Bella her eyes were telling the truth. They didn't get a shade darker and she wasn't avoiding eye contact which is what always happens when she's lying. Why would Selena just say that though. How did she even get my number. Why am I still thinking about this if I believe Bella. She wasn't lying and I could tell that but why do I feel like something isn't right. I have never been this insecure in my life, hell I've never been insecure in my life but this is bugging me and I don't know why. I decided it's time to stop mopping around and go get something to eat because I was starving as I driving down I saw this little bar restaurant and decided to stop since the string smell of barbecue infiltrated my car.

"Hi, how many ?" The lady asked as I lifted up 1 finger and she nodded as she grabbed a menu and lead me to a table in the middle of the room.

"What can I start you off with ?" The older lady asked as i looked at the menu.

"A pitcher of beer would be helpful and I'll go ahead and get the steak with a side of sweet potato fries." I said as she nodded.

I pulled out my phone and saw Bella had called me 37 times and texted me 56 times.

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