Kendalls party

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Bella POV

I woke up in bed and saw that Y/n wasn't there so I got up to brush my teeth then headed to Austin's room. I got there and she was in her crib still but was awake looking at the plushies that hung over her crib.

"Is mommy's baby up?" I said as she looked at me and smiled reaching her arms out.

"C'mon let's get you changed and then go find daddy and bubbie" I said as I began to change her diaper and put her in some fresh clothes.

I went down stairs and saw Grayson and Y/n in the kitchen playing around as they made pancakes. I smiled at the sight. I can't believe I'm so lucky to have such an amazing guy in my life and we have the cutest babies in the world.

"Hey babe what are you doing up" y/n asked as I smiled and shrugged

"I know I thought I was going to sleep in today too but I just woke up and thought I'd go see my babies." I said as I gave Austin a peck on her head as she giggled before reaching hands out to Y/n.

"Mommy, daddy and I went to the store to get batter and a the lady who does your walking job with you told him that he was hot and that I was cute." Grayson said as I looked at Y/n who gave me a nervous smile as he ate a blue berry.

"Ohhh and what did daddy say?" I said as as Grayson drunk his juice

"Oh well he just said thank you and we had to go but then she asked for his number and I said that He already has you mommy so it's not necessary like auntie Gigi and Lauren taught me." He said causing y/n and I to laugh.

"Well that's good to know, I guess I have to remember to tell aunti Gigi and Lolo good job." I said as Grayson looked at me confused and took his tablet and walked off.

"So a VS model said you were cute?" I said casually as I pealed an orange.

"Uh ye-"y/n started but got cut off by me

"Who?" I asked as he rubbed the back of his head

"Does it really matter ? I only love you." He said trying to distract me.

"Well I would just like to know what skank would try to flirt with you obviously knowing we're together, then they do it in front of our son. That's like being the ultimate skank" I said as he laughed

"It was Gizele.." Y/n said as I nodded and gave him a kiss.

"Okay good to know." I said as he looked at me with his eyebrows raised and I looked at him unphased.

"Babe you're not mad are you ?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No Y/n/n of course not.I just know who to be mindful of now,that's all." I said as he pecked my forehead.

"So I have a party to go to do you want to go?" I asked as he shook his head.

"I can't. I have the studio booked and it was the only time they could get me in since covid and everything happened." He said as I nodded.

"Okay I'll have my mom watch the kids." I said as he nodded.

"Wait who's having a party?" He asked as I looked at him and poured myself a a cup of coffee.

"Kendall and her sisters are having a quarantine party." I said as he nodded.

"Oh well if we finish early I'll swing by but text me when you get home." He said as I nodded.

Y/n had left earlier in the day to go get his covid test and I had gone out to look for a dress to wear and I'm now on my fifth store and finally found a dress that I liked. I decided to try it on so I asked the sales associate for it in my size and they guided me to the dressing room. Also in case your wondering where are the kids my mom picked them up before I left so I can go look for a dress without the stress of juggling a toddler and infant by myself. It was getting kinda of boring so I texted Gigi to see if her shoot was over so we can grab lunch. I finally tried on the dress decided that I loved it and ended up getting the matching heels for it and checked out.

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