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Short chapter.


Harry and Taylor went home late last night and everyone else decided to stay the night and My brother in law picked up Sammy around 5:00. I woke up with Bella in my arms and I camila snuggling into a pillow as Dinah and Lauren were holding a conversation while Gigi and Zayn were literally entangled in each other still asleep. I tried my best to not wake up Bella which I did successfully and walked over to Dinah and Lauren bidding a quick good morning.

"Hey you guys know if you wanna showed we have like 5 guest rooms y'all are more than welcome to go and freshen up if you'd like. Under every sink there's a bunch of new toothbrushes for guest and different types of tooth paste." I said as they nodded and went to get ready since we still had a hour and 30 minutes before school started.

"Thanks Y/n" Dinah said as I nodded and they went to go and change. As I went to go and make breakfast, which was just some bagels and bacon and eggs on the side.

"Damn, Y/n you can really cook. That smells amazing." Dinah said as I laughed lowly and shook my head.

"Oh my gosh, he can grill the best ribs ever.he even makes the barbecue sauce." Lauren said as Dinah's eyes almost popped out of her head causing me to laugh and shake her head in disbelief.

"Damn. Bella really lucked up with you Y/n." Dinah said as I laughed and muttered a thanks.

"I feel like I'm the lucky one if I'm being honest." I said as Bella walked in and saw Dinah and Lauren sitting on the bar chairs sipping on orange juice.

Bella walked up to me and smiled as we both leaned in for a quick peck on the lips as we heard a playful gag from Dinah causing us to laugh.

"Baby that smells amazing." Bella said as I smiled as I looked at her and saw her in my joggers that I leant her last night to sleep in.

"You look amazing in clothes." I whispered in her ear as she rolled her eyes and smiled at me.

"I have my clothes from cheer that I was going to change into for after wards but I'll wear that today since it was canceled." Bella said as I nodded and gave her my car keys so she could get her clothes.

"I smell food." Camila said walking in causing us all to laugh. As we all sat down and ate breakfast as everyone else woke up. After we all ate we headed to school.

(Skipping to school)

All could think about was that I was going to sing the 1st song I've ever wrote that was about Bella in front of the whole school, and her. I don't know how to really feel about it because I just don't want her to feel awkward or weirded out. But none the less we're here at the school and I preform in less than 10 minutes.

"Babe we have the assembly remember." Bella said pulling me out of my thoughts as I nodded.

"Oh yeah. I have to go meet with our Spanish teacher, something about me being a native speaker or something." I played it off as she nodded and gave me a quick kiss.

"Save me a seat baby I'll be quick." I said as she nodded and walked to the gym. As I walked them rough the school hallways.

I wasn't really paying attention as I went through the back of the auditorium and my music teacher gave me the guitar and I took a deep breath.

"You'll do great kid." My teacher said as I nodded and he went behind the curtain and I heard his voice.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I have a student who is going to preform a original song and some of you may or may not know him but let's give a hand for Y/n L/n." He said as everyone started to a cheer and whistle as I walked out and saw my friends and girlfriend in the second row the the bleachers as I nervously chuckled and waved at Bella shyly.

"Well hey. I'm Y/n, and I wrote this song about a couple days ago I'm not even gonna lie, but it was inspired by a really wonderful girl that I know. And I hope you all enjoy it." I said as

(Play the song now)

For the beginning I locked my eyes with Bella sending her a wink.

Wasn't really looking when you caught my eyes
Just another town, just another night
Didn't say much, I was scared for my life
I didn't catch your number and didn't know your name
Tried to move on, couldn't help to think of you
And I knew that you'd change everything
What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
Yeah, you saved me
You got all of me and I don't need it anymore
What's mine is yours
What's mine is yours
What's mine is yours
Now there's make up my counter
Your shoes on my floor
Taking my side of the bed and more
But it's fine I don't mine 'cause you changed everything

I felt her eyes on me as I strummed the guitar as I looked up and saw my favorite pair of eyes on me causing my confidence to grow as I smiled singing the song and looked at all my peers.

What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
Yeah, you saved me
You got all of me and I don't need it anymore
What's mine is yours
What's mine is yours
Yeah, yeah
Take this ring
Forever now
'Til death do us apart
And take this vow
What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
Yeah, you saved me
You got all of me and I don't need it anymore
What's mine is yours (what's mine is yours)
What's mine is yours (what's mine is yours)
Yeah, yeah.

I finished and everyone was sitting or standing up while cheering and clapping. I looked over to see Bella standing along with everyone else clapping and yelling causing me to laugh and shake my head As I handed the guitar to the teacher as they proceed on with the assembly as I walked over to the bleachers as I sat next to Bella and she pulled me in for a kiss. As I smiled into.

"You did amazing baby. I loved it." Bella said as I pecked her lips once again before wrapping my arm around her. That reaction was all I could ask for.

You're The One Bella Hadid and Y/n Where stories live. Discover now