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Bella's POV

Y/n had finally called me. It was only because I've kept Gray from him. It's been a week and a half since he's last seen him. I mean can you blame me. I don't know who he's bringing around our kid. He has been texting me telling me to drop off Gray at my moms so he can pick him up. Those were from 2 days ago and I left him on read so there's that. I have tried to talk to him but he keeps on saying give me my kid and who am I to think he would do that.

I have on multiple occasions tried to reach out to him to talk about why I don't want to give him Gray but he just changes the topic to why should I have a say when I was the one who "ruined our family" I want to prove to him that I want this to work but it just seems like he was waiting on us to mess up. He's just been hooking up with all these different girls and isn't even trying to coparent or work on us or anything. I get he's mad at me but at least hear me out and listen to the thing that I want to say about us coparenting. I got drawn out of my thoughts as my door opened.

Immediately I got scared because I'm the only one who's here with Grayson and my front door was locked. I went to the kitchen entrance and peeped my head out to try and catch a glimpse of who it could be and to my surprise I saw Y/n.

"What the hell you scared the shit out of me." I said as I put down the knife that I didn't even realized I grabbed until now.

"Bella what the hell is wrong with you?" Y/n asked as  if I was crazy.

"You take my son from me because you don't want me to have all these women around him? I cant believe that you would think that low of me. I've never done anything to make you think I would do that. Sure I've been having some hook ups but that's when Grayson isn't with me. If I have my son with me I'm focused on him, he's my number one priority. Nothing else." Y/n said as I poured a glass of water and shook my head.

"Well what do you expect if you never answer your phone to talk. Y/n I have reached out so many times to try and talk and you just ignore me or text me to stop calling that you don't care what I have to say. Sure I want to work on us,but I was trying to talk to you about what we should do about coparent." I said frustratedly as he looked down.

"Well you know we wouldn't be in this position if-" he said as I cut him off with a scoff.

"Oh if Able didn't kiss me and I kissed back for a split second before pulling away." I said as he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Look this isn't how I want to talk about this and I just lay some ground rules as we start this coparenting. I do hope you would want to give us another chance, because I truly do love you Y/n." I said as he sighed.

"Whatever, it sure seems like you do with all those fucking hickeys." He said as he pointed to my neck and I rolled my eyes.

"As if you could say anything you're going out and fucking different girls every night, plus not that it's any of your information, but I stopped them from going any further than that. Because I still love you Y/n. Whether you believe me or not. I made a mistake and I'm truly sorry. Anyways you have no room to talk we just broke up and you've hooked with god knows how many people." I said as tears brimmed my eyes. As Y/n looked down and I could tell he's guilty.

"You're right." He said clearing his throat. "It's none of my concern anymore." He said as he sat down.

"Can I just see my kid please." Y/n mumbled as I nodded and we walked upstairs.

"Y/n I want us to work out. I get it if you need time, but can we please try after I give you space. I still love you." I said as he looked at me with a blank face as he took off his hat.

"Bella you cheated on me" he said as I scoffed.

"Y/n I am sorry. You're making it sound like I slept with him. I have always ALWAYS  been honest with you. I tell you everything and what? I got caught in the moment for a split second and now I'm a hoe?" I said as he laughed bitterly

"Oh yeah you're always honest. You lost our baby and didn't even tell me." He said as my tears spilled out. I can't believe he just said that.

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it." Y/n said as he tried to come over and give me a hug and I pushed him away.

"No, leave me alone. Go ahead and take Grayson for the weekend and drop him off at my moms. I don't want to see you." I said as I wiped away my tears and went to my room.

"Bella please I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was just angry." Y/n said coming into the room.

"Leave me alone Y/n. I really don't want to talk to you." I said as he sighed. I felt myself getting anxious as my tears kept pouring out.

"Babe please. I-I-I mean Bella. Please, you know I would never mean that. Look I see where you're coming from I would hate me too. I know that's a sensitive topic, it just came out. I respect you too much to ever-" Y/n said as I cut him off.

"SHUT UP." I yelled as I felt myself hyper ventilating. I couldn't stop crying and it was getting harder to breath.

"Shhhh hey it's ok. Deep breathes. It's ok. It's ok." He said as he hugged me and rubbed small circles around my back and got up going to the mini fridge in our, well my room getting a water.

"Here drink small sips. It's ok." He said sitting back down next to me as he kissed my forehead. He held my hand and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. I was still crying but definitely not as much and I could breathe a little better. We sat like this until I fell asleep. I woke up and I was cuddled into Y/n's side.

"I'm going to stay the night and make sure you're ok. I'm so sorry Bella. You need anything? Hey I ordered  us pizza for dinner. Just lay down and relax it's ok." He said as I nodded and I felt my face and it was still a bit puffy from crying.

"Look we can talk about everything tomorrow. I just want you to be ok. I'm so sorry Bella." Y/n said leaning in to kissing my head as turned away.

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