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A/N: Book 2 is here! I can't even tell you guys how excited I am for this next part of our story! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think!

Of course JBI would be following Piper around as soon as he caught sight of her during their first day at school. And of course he'd be asking the most inappropriate questions ever in the most uncomfortable way possible.

"Have you locked lips with any other girl this summer?" He asked, as Piper groaned loudly and rolled her eyes, keeping her books clutched tightly to her chest as she walked down the hallways trying to lose JBI and his stupid camera man. "Is it true you spent your whole summer locked away in a madhouse because you couldn't stop throwing up everything you ate?"

At that, Piper frowned, wondering how in the hell JBI even knew any of that. Sure, during summer, after a particular pool party in Kurt's house with him and Mercedes, Piper started to feel a bit self-conscious in her body again and she had slipped into some bad eating habits again. Sure, at some point she had even started to throw up after every meal and, sure, she ended up in the hospital in mid-July. So, sure, she had gone to a clinic to try and get better and she had spent the next four weeks there, but she was better now. She was eating properly again and she hadn't thrown up — or even felt the urge to — in days. She wasn't a hundred percent happy with her body still, but Kurt and Mercedes had taken upon themselves to keep an eye on her this year, after the scare Piper had given them that summer.

Still, Piper had no idea how JBI even knew what had gone down with her since her and her dad had decided to keep this whole thing under wraps. Clearly, it hadn't worked and, if JBI knew, soon, the whole school would know too.

"Leave me alone, JBI." Piper scoffed, as JBI gasped, turning to his camera for a second.

"No denial!" He said, as Piper rolled her eyes.

"Just go away!"

"One last question..." JBI called, still struggling to keep up with Piper as the girl groaned. "Is it also true you're suffering from a crippling depression because you're not over Miss Fabray?"

Again, Piper hesitated, having JBI rubbing salt in another wound. Still, she kept on walking, trying not to give him too much of a reaction.

"Screw you, Jacob..." She mumbled.

"Another dubious answer!" He said. "Is it true you and Miss Fabray haven't spoken much since the birth of her bastard baby?"

Rolling her eyes, Piper breathed out in relief when she noticed Kurt standing at the end of the corridor. Jogging a bit to catch up with him, Piper tried to ignore JBI's inquires about Quinn Fabray as he ran after her because, in all honesty, no... Piper hadn't talked much — or, at all — to Quinn since the end of last term, but with her own problems with her eating disorder and Quinn trying to get back in her game, the two of them just hadn't had the time. It didn't mean anything... Right?

Snapping out of her thoughts when she finally reached Kurt, Piper grabbed him by the arm and sent him an apologetic smile when Kurt noticed JBI approaching the two of them as well.

"Save me, Kurt." Piper pleaded, as Kurt scoffed.

"You're lucky I love you." He said, tugging her forward as the two of them started to make their way down the hallway together. "Come on."

"When will you Glee Clubbers accept the fact that people hate you?" JBI asked, as he followed the duo.

"Kiss it, Jacob."

"And think you're nothing but a glorified karaoke club..."

"Go away, JBI." Piper spoke up as the boy continued talking. "Go away."

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