Choir - Youth Festival

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So today me, Sandi, and Fea had a choir performance. Also Saera but she couldn't make it. Anyways, I was the first to arrive and had to wait at our school's front door and waited for like 15 minutes and no one came. So I was messaging Sandi and Fea "COME ASAP" or "HURRY UP ASAP" or also "SAVE ME ASAP" because there was another event happening and there was a lot of people there and I got scared.

So I was so lonely and walked around by myself. Then a lady asked me "Are you here for the robotics competition or the choir youth festival?" So yeah....... I feel stupid.
So I meet with Sandi, Fae, our 8th grade friends and also this guy friend I hate. Hate him so much. You just don't understand the feeling.

So then we practiced our songs but I started to have a really really bad migraine, threw up, stomachache, headache and felt like I couldn't stand up anymore so I told the choir teacher that I felt sick and she told me to go home. So I went home.

But I heard that they had very good food and that Fae left early. And also that our guy friend HUGGED Sandi!!!!!! So I was all like "_______, hands off of Sandi!! Hands. Off!!!!!!!!!" Yeah. Literally.

But yeah. I'm gonna end it like this..... XD

- Jieun ( DDuchezz )

~ We got a free t-shirt that read "Youth In Harmony". Yay! First time I got a free t-shirt.

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