Personal information-about me

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Basic information
name: Lena Stark
age- 15
nicknames- lele, leni, lenka, lena,
sangria- my superhero name
Everybody knows how to pronounce my name and nicknames just like i'm used to
height- 5'5
- the avengers tower is in queens so i visit them oftem
i have and IQ of 190
skin color- white
body type- just as in my CR
eye color- brown
hair color- just as in my CR
i don't have any unwanted body hair
i have a wardrobe with endless clothes, shoes and jewelry
i always smell like sugar cookies
my hair smells like roses
i am skilled in make-up and have an endless make-up
i am obsessed over blueberries and capri sun
i don't like food i don't like in my CR
i don't like when people are lying to me and when someone is trying to hurt someone's feelings on purpose
i like when people are funny and understand my humor i also like to make people happy
i'm extra flirty when i want to and i can flirt effortlessly
i am trustworthy and i can keep secrets
i also know what to do when someone's sad and i can give them great advice all the time
i am extremely ticklish
i blush easily
my hands or feet are never cold
i don't sweat- it does not affect my health
languages i speak- English- it's my main language and i have an American accent, i am also fluent in Spanish and German and i can master them- once i come back to my CR i will be fluent in them as much as i'm in my DR
my strength is that i don't give up easily and that i will fight until my last breath
my weakness is that i have kind of anxiety and that i am kind of emotional
i act just as in my CR but i'm more caring and less of a bitch lol
i cant get pregnant unless i decide to
i know my way around queens, my school, my home and the avengers tower
i remember everyone's name and birthday
i know what to give to anyone and it will make them happy
i'm a good kisser
i taste good😌
i write in my diary everyday
i will not reveal anything about shifting
i am fit
i have a good condition
i am pretty fast
i don't have breathing problems
there will be nothing like corona 
my hair is never frizzy and never dirty or oily
i have a good hygiene
i never stink
i don't have my period and it does not affect my health
my farts don't have a noise or smell
i know how to style my hair
i am good at lying
Tony has endless amount of money
i am kind
i am good at school and i pass all of my classes with no hesitation
i am a sophomore
i don't have to learn for school because i know all of the materials
i have really good reflexes
i am a good fighter
i can detect when someone is lying to me
i know how to use the technology that is used in SHEILD and i'm skilled in it
i'm really smart and i am able to make things just like tony
i am a skilled hacker
i have a big room
i have a journal in my DR that whatever i write in will come true
i have a box that whatever i desire will be in it if i put the intention to have it
i am popular because of my father and i'm a easy to like person
i have a beautiful singing voice
i don't bully people in my school
i can't die only from natural causes when i'm old
i will remember everything from this part what i wrote
i enjoy working out and training
i'm good in hand to hand combat
my superpowers
element control- i can control all 4 elements
illusion- i can make illusions
healing power- i can heal myself and others to a certain level
good reflexes
mind reading
making clones of myself and then making them disappear
my fighting suit:
i own a mask so no one will identify me
my suit is really comfortable even during summer time and it's cool and during winter it's really comfortable and warm

2001gender-femalesexuality-straightnicknames- lele, leni, lenka, lena, sangria- my superhero nameEverybody knows how to pronounce my name and nicknames just like i'm used to height- 5'5 - the avengers tower is in queens so i visit them oftem i hav...

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