My desired reality

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My desired reality is MCU Avengers
i am shifting to time where i'm 15 and peter parker is an avenger
Dr strange can find out about me being from another reality but he won't tell anyone, we will sometimes talk about my CR
i cant get attached to my DR
i won't have any trauma when i come back to my CR
i am shifting to the MOVIES UNIVERSE
everyone from avengers is the age as in spider-man homecoming
all of the avengers will have a group chat
we will have movie nights
hide and seek
we will play games
i will remember everything from my DR when i come back to my CR
peter doesn't have anything with MJ and they don't have feelings for each other
i have a lot of fun and its never boring
we have missions not too often but it's not like we never have them we have them for example once 2 or 3 moths together but me and Parker are on a watch every day after school
My safe word is "goodbye felisha" i will remember my safe word and i will not forget it
i can only shift with an intention and not on accident
1 hour in my CR is 2 months in my DR
we go on vacations with avengers together every summer and we enjoy it
I'm never bored and i have a lot of fun in my DR
i'm not addicted to my phone and i'm not more than 2 hours daily on it
no one can make me stay or leave my DR
no one will know i'm from another reality
i'm safe in my DR
none of the people i care about or love can die only from natural causes when they get old
i can't get expelled from my school
once i leave my DR the time will freeze
when i come back to my DR i will continue where i left off
i have a very high pain tolerance
i can't get attached to my DR
Once i shift to my DR my eyes will open automatically
once i shift i will feel someone shaking me on my shoulder
no one will figure out i came from a different reality expect for DR strange
i will have my spotify playlists on my phone
the music that is in my CR is also in my DR
when we fight there will be playing good songs in the background kinda quietly so i can hear other avengers talking
if someone will try to kill me they will have the baby shark song playing in their mind for 3 days straight
i have a watch that shows me my CR time
when i come back to my CR i will remember everything from my DR all of the things that happened and all of the people
when i shift to my DR i will remember everything and everyone from my CR
it's easy for me to shift.
the endgame never happened and thanos is defeated for good
Loki is no longer tortured and he is with the avengers
All of the avengers are trying their hardest to get away with loki to make him feel welcome
loki is like my best friend
Me and Peter are not dating yet when i shift to my DR but we have feelings towards each other and it's obvious we like each other, we are really close and we are best friends, we spend time with each other quite often and it does not take a long time till we get together.
in my DR phone i have pinterest and on the pinterest i have the "DR outfits" that is in my CR phone
I am shifting to the time when spider-man homecoming movie is taking place
During the age of ultron we meet Wanda and Pietro but Pietro doesn't die
After the age of ultron we go to disney word with the avengers and we don't have to wait in lines
Loki is an avenger
Dr. Storage won't throw me out of my DR and he knows why he shouldn't
we have time to time girls day when me, wanda and natasha are going shopping and get our nails done etc

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