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Darina was extremely chatty that morning as we got ready to go. I think part of it was nerves but the rest was excitement. She couldn't wait to live in a bigger city and on her own. I never realized what it was like to be the baby of the family, but was slowly learning from her some of the things it entailed.

"Should I get Spartan gear while I'm here?" Darina asked while we passed the bookstore with apparel inside.

"If you feel like you would possibly go here after the tour. I knew where I was going immediately but not everyone does. Also, you don't have to walk with me. There seems to be some people your age, make friends."

"No one is going to know where Duran is," she laughed.

"Doesn't matter. You're in California now. Totally different environment."

Darina went ahead after the tour guides had shown the dorms for upcoming freshman and talked with twin girls that seemed to have their hearts set on going here. The group we were with wasn't too big. About twelve soon to be graduates and a few parents. Since I didn't really fit into either category just yet, I looked around the campus while walking and made sure to take notes on my phone for later.

"I don't mean to pry," a woman asked me while we were inside the library just looking around. "How far along are you?"

"Thirty-two weeks." I smiled.

"And you're here with,"

"Darina. She's my sister-in-law," I pointed to her as she was taking a selfie in front of some banner that was on a wall.

"That's sweet of you! My daughter, Sam, she's the one in the grey hoodie over there." She pointed at a petite girl with her bun as high as it could be pulled up on her head. "She's hoping to get her acceptance letter from the dance team here. We've been in competitive dance for years."

"How exciting! I'm sure she'll get it. I'm Dasha by the way."

"Nora, nice to meet you."

We shook hands and continued chatting while the tour continued onto the outside of the coliseum. Sam was super chatty at this point and kept asking one of the guides questions.

I leaned against a pole and took a deep breath. Ryder had moved again and caught me off guard. Guess we hadn't walked this much in a long time.

"Sorry Squirt, we won't be doing this again I promise." I rubbed my belly gently.

The group started to move again as I didn't catch where they were heading next but I remained where I was. Probably needed a minute before I started walking again.

Darina noticed and walked a few steps back to me, "Dasha? Do we need to go home?"

"No sweetie, I just need to sit. I just don't think Squirt has felt me walk this much in a minute. How much longer,"

"Maybe twenty to thirty minutes? I think we're making our way back to the bookstore and the front. I could ask if there's someone who could bring you back to the entrance?"

"No I'm good." I stood up and moved my hips slightly. "Just walk slow with me."

"More like waddle," she teased while I rolled my eyes.

Nora and Sam had hung back too and struck up a conversation with Darina while we made our way back to the front. The more steps I took I felt better but also felt like I had to pee again. Ugh, I didn't think I would be getting pregnant again anytime soon after Ryder.

Once we got to the front, I told Darina I was using the restroom while she went to go check out the clothes with the other freshmen. Waddling as quickly as possible, I got the end stall and sat for a moment before trying to stand and pull my pants down. Jeez, when did I start sweating this much?

The Aftermath with my History TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now