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"She's just now bringing up the whole meet the rest of your family thing?" Rose raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Right? I've met most of Hayden's family and even they've had my parents over a few times for dinner. It's just so hard to not make it awkward somehow even if I'm not in his class right now. Of course I had to make my love life complicated from the start."

She rolled her eyes, "honey not one relationship is simple. Even mine with Sean's is complicated."

"Really?" I felt bad not even knowing how my best friend and her boyfriend had been doing lately. They had managed to stay together for this long without too many bumps in the road.

"Yeah," she shook her head. "Dasha I feel as if I'm a million miles away from him sometimes, even when he's right beside me. Every time I even mention our future it's like he freezes up. Even Tyson has joked about it and there seems to be something he's not telling me. Maybe I'm just overreacting but after being with him for nearly four years... I just thought..."

She didn't finish her train of thought as I wrapped my arms around her. "Oh Rosemary I'm so sorry! Why hadn't you mentioned this sooner?"

"You were dealing with Hayden and well we never see the other since school and work take over our lives." She wiped the tears that were threatening to fall. "I just am not so sure anymore if he loves me or not."

"Don't be silly, he still loves you." I reassured her and made a mental note to start keeping an eye on my friends more often.

"But yeah, other than that I can't really compare my relationship to yours. I don't know how you do it Dasha."

"Honestly there are days where I can hardly believe it myself."

I got off the bed and held my hand out for her. "Let's stay in tonight and cook some food. I'll even find an old cheesy movie for us to watch and we can drown our sorrows in ice cream or alcohol."

"We do have that new bottle of wine that could be opened." She suggestively threw in as we made our way to the kitchen.

"Sounds good, now for first order of business we have to lay down some rules. No talking about the guys for the rest of the night."

Rose nodded in affirmation and opened the fridge to look at our options.

"Second, let's leave our phones in our bedrooms so we can't even be tempted by them."

"Works for me, what are you hungry for?"

"Hmm, something easy and quick. Do we have taco meat?"


"Let's do tacos?"

"That wouldn't go well with the wine," she teased me as she pulled out the ingredients.

"The wine will be for dessert. That way we can be sappy during the movie and not remember why we were upset."

"Good idea," she heated up the stove and began chopping up vegetables.

"And the last rule is anything that needs to be done can wait until tomorrow. We just need to enjoy our girl time together and not worry about anything else."

"So we can't even discuss wedding details?" She turned back to the stove and dumped the beef into the pan.

"No... As much as I want too. That can wait until tomorrow because I need to meet with the wedding planner to get things going as well."

"Okay." Rose pretended to seal her lips and throw away the "key". No mentioning of the boys had officially started.

That didn't mean I wasn't still thinking about Hayden as I went to put our phones up. I texted Sean and said Rose and I would be busy for the night but didn't wait for a reply.

'Hey babe, having a girls night with Rose. Unless it's an emergency I won't be checking my phone. Love you.'

Silencing it, I left it on my dresser and walked back out to look at the assortment of movies we had. Part of me wanted a timeless classic to watch but maybe it would be better to watch something with no romance at all.

"Rose, do you want to watch something like moulin rouge, or something like Die Hard?"

"Die Hard." Was her reply.

While I tried setting up the DVD player, Rose grabbed two glasses of water for us. Better to be somewhat hydrated before we got drunk.

"Isn't it funny how most of our conversations can't happen now with the rules we just established?"

"Yeah." I paused the movie before checking on the food. "But there's so much that happens to us during the day. Surely we can come up with a few things to gossip over."

"How's work been?" Rose started.

"Busy as always, I swear the same people come all the time! Like who has money to just freely spend like that?"

"Not college students," she agreed. "Do you have everything ready for graduation?"

"Yeah I sent my packet in however long ago. We just need to make it through these last what... Five weeks or so?"

"Something like that," she shrugged. "I have no motivation to finish my degree but I know I need it."


We both went back to working on the food in silence. Maybe this was harder than we thought. It's not that we had lost our bond or anything, things were just different now and clearly our lives were consumed by men half the time.

"What were your plans? You know after we walk the stage?"

"I haven't really looked at any jobs yet... I guess it depended upon my life here. You?"

Rose nodded, "I've talked to a few corporations. Just waiting to hear back on who would take me. But I've gotten a few calls from San Francisco..."

"Rose that's amazing!" I hugged her tightly. "California would be lucky to have you."

"Yeah, it may be time for a new start somewhere. But I would miss you..."

"Don't even think about that, I would definitely come visit." I felt my stomach tighten knowing my best friend would move across the country but also elated. She deserved to be happy wherever it was as well as I.

"Promise me you'll get out of here at lest at some point? Maybe once Hayden gets tenure or something?" Rose took a bite of the meat to test it.

"Promise." We began to assemble the tacos before plopping down in front of the t.v. for the duration of the night.

As soon as the movie started we were instantly quiet and just focused on feeding our stomachs and watching the plot unfold.

Rose stood up and walked stiffly into the bathroom as I frowned. Had the food not cooked long enough?

"Rose?" I paused the movie and heard her retching behind the door.

"Dasha..." She groaned and opened up the door, wiping her face. "I really hope I haven't found another reason for Sean to hate me."

"What are you talking about? Sean doesn't hate you either." I frowned and went to grab her a glass of water.

"I've been nauseous the past few days... And I'm eight days late."

I dropped the glass as the water spilled out along with the tinkling of glass.

"Rose..." I looked up to see her face as tears streamed down.

"Dasha I may be pregnant."

**Cliffhanger! I thought this might make things interesting. Your comments could help me determine if she is or not! I wanted to keep the side characters in the story as much as possible too so this'll definitely do that.**

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