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We got to spend a little time in the room before he was sent to the NICU. Something about his skin coloring and labs, so Hayden went with him to go see him in the tiny islet. Rose came back up and sat with me in the room, talking quietly.

"Four and a half pounds! That's so tiny! I bet his fingers and toes,"

"Here," I showed her photos that a nurse had taken for me. "We have a few photos before they took him. I don't think he'll be there long but tomorrow morning they said I can wheel down there and go visit without a nurse following me. As long as I feel okay."

"Dasha," she swiped through and smiled. "He's beautiful. I'm so happy for you... by the way, I can leave if you want to sleep. Your eyes are just drooping and I can't imagine,"

"I'm staying awake for another hour I hope. But I'm sure I look like hell," I smiled and stood up slowly to go use the restroom. "Can you hand me that bag? The unit gave me some stuff to wear and I feel like changing."

"Yeah," she gave me the striped bag while I waddled slowly with Rose's help to the restroom and sat down.

"I just need new pants on. It's like... well I'll spare you the details but I'd take my cycle over this right now."

Rose helped pull my hair back and stood by the sink in case I needed something while I changed slowly. Every movement was methodical while I tested to see how well my body could change positions. Yes Hayden could've been here for this, but he was going to be dealing with it at home soon enough. Rose didn't care and I appreciated having a friend just talk me through it.

"I'm good from here, you can go sit out there," I shooed her away while just resting on the toilet. Lord it felt good to move my legs after laying in the bed for hours.

"Hey Rose? Can you grab me a lemonade from downstairs? I think there's a vending machine if the kitchen isn't open."

"Yeah, I'll be right back." She unzipped her purse to grab her wallet I assumed and walked out.

My parents and Hayden's parents had asked only once how everything was as they knew we all needed rest and would update again in the morning. No doubt we would be seeing them shortly once being able to go home. Whenever that was.

Darina had texted Hayden and said Sam's mom had offered for her, Sean and Rose to stay with them while we were in the hospital. It was relieving to know she had made a friend before college and that they were being well taken care of. The only question was how long were we going to be here?

Grabbing the pump they gave me for breastfeeding, I attempted to pump some ounces for Ryder. My breasts felt like they were going to explode if I didn't release some of this milk.

"The stuff no one tells you during pregnancy," I sighed and watched Golden Girls on TV.

Rose returned about fifteen minutes later with a couple of bottles, including one for herself. "I may head out soon if that's okay? I know you need rest as does everyone else."

"Absolutely. Thank you for coming up here," I leaned into her side hug.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world Dash. Get some rest, momma," she blew me a kiss before stepping out.

Finishing up the episode I was on, I turned off the pump and swigged half of my first bottle of lemonade down. Talk about being dehydrated. I wanted nothing more than to go lay down in a warm bath or our bed back home, but that wouldn't happen for at least another two days or so it sounded like.

I called the nurses' station and asked if a cot could be rolled into the room for Hayden whenever he returned. They assured me someone would be in shortly with one while I turned to one side and shut the lights out.

The Aftermath with my History TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now