The Beginning🌌

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Taking the train to Hogwarts with draco, blaise and theo was so exciting, I've been looking forward to my first year. Ive known these muppets all my life, it feels right starting school with them. The excitement was building up I couldnt even sit still in my seat, I was already in my robes my leg bouncing rapidly from the pure excitement I had the biggest smile on my face, my cheeks started to ach.

"Calm down pansy its not that exciting" draco giggled a little excited himself

"Am sorry it's just all so overwhelming, are you not thrilled to finally get to see Hogwarts" my smile was wider then ever.

"Yes of course I am your just doing my head in" rolling his eyes at me but still a small smile on his face as he went back to playing some bored game with blaise.

After Following a big hairy man shouting for first years to follow him and taking boats across the prettiest but darkest like I've seen, we stood on Hogwarts stairs awaiting professor Minerva i think that's her name.

I waited patiently for her instructions admiring all the paintings on the walls, by now draco had already walked off to talk to a brown haired boy while i couldnt help but notice a frog beneath him.

"Trevor!" The boyish sounding voice caught my attention I looked over and saw a boy with brown messy hair picking the frog up, trevor what a nice name for a frog maybe he could help me pick a name for my owl, I can never decide on things like that theirs to many possibilitys.

Minerva lead the massive crowd of students into the hall, I was stood next to a girl with the biggest head of hair she was pretty and kept smiling at me so I smiled back.

Wow am making friends already.

I was sorted into slytherin which was no surprise at all.

*Potions class*

I walked to sit at the front of the class, Snape is by far my favourite teacher so I wanted to be close. I noticed her bushy hair also at the front of class and thought this would be a good opportunity to get to know her.

"Pansy what are you doing we sit at the back" draco yelled from across the room and pointing to an available seat I huffed and moved seats.

Maybe another time then I thought

Draco and his little gang had been snickering for most of the lesson, when they decided to include me in on what was so funny.




"What draco!" I quietly shouted not taking my eyes away from my book trying to ignore him.

"Do you want to help annoy Granger" he whispered while raising both his eyebrows at me I rolled my eyes at him in return.

"No why would-"

"Just do it" a smirk on his face


He scoffs at me shocked that i refused "Your so boring pansy it's only Granger For Merlin's sake"

Draco continued to harass me until I caved I sighed regretting what am about to do.

"Hermio - err Granger!" I say in a loud whisper but slightly hoping it doesnt get her attention, it does of course it does she meets my eyes and gives me a huge smile teeth out and everything, why does she have to smile at me and make this harder then it already is.

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