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"pansy are you crushing the ingredients like i asked?" Draco said while cutting something up concentrating.

I didn't care what he was saying i was too busy looking at Hermione. I've never noticed how big and bright her eyes are especially when the light hits them it makes them look even better, her hair its so fluffy and soft and a nice colure as well. my eyes started to drift to her lips oh god her lips i didn't realise i had been staring for a while until Draco hit me on the back of the head with his potions book.

"pansy! you squib pay attention last time you lost track staring at granger i-".

"Draco! stop your continuous chatting with pansy and go work with potter maybe then some work will get done" Snape seethed he was angry and irritated.

"that happened thanks a lot" Draco continued i gave him an awkward smile as he walked over in a mood. i looked back at Hermione watching as she packed her stuff to swap places with Draco i noticed harry trying to hide a smile. i shook it off and went back to watching Hermione in complete awe.

She sat down placing her books down by my hand and giving me a small smile my face started heating up and blushing i quickly looked away i didn't want her to see the affect she had on me. 'oh god calm down pansy its just a smile no need to react like this' i took a deep breath in and turned to her i was about to speak when she put her hand into mine on the table my eyes widened. I held on to her soft hands tighter staring i looked back up at her and she smiled at me again and i smiled back we both put our hands under the table still linked just hidden and we only let go if we needed our hands for something we would always link again.

Holding her hand in such a public place was thrilling every now and then id rub little circles on the back off her hand. all i could think about is pulling her behind a wall and kissing her again i couldn't get it off my mind. I messed the potion up a lot all because i couldn't think straight Hermione is smart though so she fixed it every time.

"are you okay?" she asked quietly

"yes am just- am just happy" her smile was wider then ever

"am happy too" she smiled back my cheeks where beginning to hurt I've never been this happy before am not used to it.

Class was finally over and we both purposely took our time packing up. i put my book in my bag and she faced me taking one last look around.

"do you want to walk out together?"

"err yeah sure" she took my hand and lead me out but before we reached the door.

"wait! are we- should we- do you want to carry on holding hands... in public"

"if its okay with you" i took a deep breath in this was real now there's no more hiding i was about to walk out these doors hand in hand with the Hermione granger a Gryffindor and a Slytherin holding hands two girls holding hands two enemies holding. hands.

"yes am ready" i nodded feeling confident and so she opened the door and we stepped out exposed.

It only took a few minutes for heads to start turning, then whispering centre of attention once again this was a good kind though who would of thought pansy Parkinson the school bully, a bitch, a Slytherin hand. in. hand with Hermione granger it made me feel- it made me feel good, confident, different.

I held my head higher and gript her hand tighter. she looked over at me and gave me a reassuring look which made this a lot easier. we were approaching harry and Ron in sync their eyes darted from me to our hands to Hermione and back again on repeat Ron started getting angry harry didn't know what to do but stare and stutter. we walked past we walked powerful like we where the only ones there our hair bouncing off our shoulders as we had a spring in our step.

We was now approaching Draco, Blaise, grab and Goyal their mouths all dropped open as they realised apart from Draco of course who already knew he walked up to us and kissed my temple.

"where are we going ladies" the way Draco was acting like everything was normal and nothing had changed made me feel even better and i was smiling like a made woman as was Hermione.

"the library?" Hermione questioned hoping we would agree

"absolutely not just because you and pansy are thing does not mean you have any right trying to drag me down to the library i will not-"

"come on" i interrupted while we dragged him down corridors on our way to the library Draco screaming

"am. not. reading. a. book!"

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