Pretty Stars💫

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I would spend as much time as possible with Hermione, meeting her outside at break and lunch, giving each other glances in class, but my favourite was sneaking out at night to sit with her in the tower, especially like nights like these were the stars are out.

"Hermione" I said quietly trying not to disturb her

"Yes pansy" she spoke gently looking to her side at me and lowering her book.

"Can I be honest" I fiddled with my fingers nervously.

"Of course?" She raised an eyebrow slightly confused.

"I used to think the stars were the prettiest and brightest thing I'd seen but I met you and it changed everything" I made eye contact with her and she smiled at me she pushed the few strands from out of my face and behind my ear rested her hand on my jawline and kissed me.

Her lips were soft, They tasted like cinnamon and strawberries it was a weird combination but I still liked it.

I pulled away grazing the bottom of her lip with my thumb and looked up at her.

"Is this okay?" She whispered and I nodded my head and kissed her back.

Prettier Then Stars - PansmioneWhere stories live. Discover now