Tattoo Soulmate AU

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This is my take and base information of the Soulmate AU where a tattoo of the first words your soulmate says to you appear on your arm. The words must be directed at their soulmate, so words simply spoken in each other's presence wouldn't be recorded on the arm.

The tattoo always appears on a person's left arm. The tattoo appears on the 16th birthday and is written in in bold, black letters.

When soulmates meet and speak to each other, if they touch their left hands or arms together it will cause a tingling sensation and cause the black letters to change colour to match the colour of their soulmates skin/flesh.

It is possible for one person to have more than one soul mate. 

All of the short stories tied to this AU will have S:T  (for Soulmate:Tattoos) in the chapter title.

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