S:T Aizawa

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"Hey, hey! So what does yours say?"
I felt a slender finger poke my cheek, and I lazily brushed it away.

"Buzz off Hizashi."

"Awe, no fun Shouta! Your birthday was yesterday, right? Show me! SHOW MEEEEE!"

I didn't  bother lifting my head off my arm, my sleeve and cheek pressing against the silly little words that had inked themselves there less than one day ago.

Silence settled for a beat before Hizashi yanked my arm towards him, shoving my sleeve up. His grin faded as he read the words, "huh...that kinda takes the fun and the mystery out of it..."

I tugged my arm back with a shrug, lightly tracing the words, "I prefer it this way. Less work for me." My eyes read the words again:

*Hello, my name is Y/N*

Yeah, that will make finding them easier.

~~time skip~~

Easier...finding them was supposed to be easier.

I knew I should be grading, but my eyes skimmed the computer screen. How many times had I searched that name?
How many times had the same limited results shown up?
And how many times had I felt disappointed that none of the people that my search results showed seemed to be my type?

I sighed and shut off the screen, pulling the stack of papers the principal had sent me towards me.


The thought of trying to keep my students in line...especially Mineta.  Having him live so close to the girls was going to be a headache, at best.

I thumbed through the pages outlining the plans and paused on one page.


So that's how the principal planned to keep them in line when the teachers weren't there.

A date and time was set for interviewing candidates  later that week. As homeroom teacher, I was expected to be there.

A few days later, myself and several of the UA teacher sat across from a group of lower ranking pro heroes. We were on the second rounds of interviews.

The person sitting across from me was a pro hero from another country. Hero name: Background. Their quirk allowed them to track any and all motion happening within a certain distance from them. Ideal for a dorm parent, especially for 1A.

They already had the job, so this interview was just for show.

I rubbed my eyes and rested my elbow on the table.

"Well, you may as well at least introduce yourself."

Silence met my words and made me open my eyes.

They were staring at me with their lips parted slightly. When our eyes met they jumped slightly and cleared their throat.

A brilliant smile flashed onto their face.

"Hello, my name is Y/N."

I straightened, "Y/N?"

They nodded, their smile brightened at my reaction, "though, I haven't used my birth name in years. So I'm almost exclusively known as Background."

I gave a self depreciating laugh as I slid my hand towards theirs across the table, "I should've known better than to expect anything to be easy for me."

They slid their hand back towards me and chuckled, "I couldn't pass up such a good opportunity to mess with my soul mate."

I suppresses a shudder as the skin began to tingle on our connected arms.

Once the tingling faded I became aware of the silence in the room. I glanced to my left as Hizashi pushed to his feet.

I released my grip on Y/N's hand, "cover your ears."

My soulmate obeyed as Hizashi sucked in a breath, pointed at me, then unleashed an excited shout that would leave my ears ringing.


Y/N's eyes sparkled as they laughed at Hizashi's reaction.

I didn't bother fighting the grin that tugged at my lips too.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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