Attack on Corn

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The next day, when the class was waiting for Aizawa to come, Izuku explained what happened in the woods last night. The class was upset at being scared, especially Bakugou, who was livid for looking vulnerable at that time, even though no one noticed he was. Izuku then thought of a great thing to do later that day with the class. He'd invite his father to come along as well.

When Aizawa came in, the first thing he wanted the class to do was decided a class representative. After they had decided to go with a vote, Ilda was the class representative and Yaoyorozu was the vice representative. After that, the day was normal, until lunch. The media outside had somehow gotten into the UA premises, and the alarm in the school went off, causing mass panic amount the students. Though, thanks to Ilda, for the student part at least, was resolved.

Now usually, Class 1-A would have a few more classes before the Heroics class, but they immediately went to that class after lunch. Why? No one had a clue, not even All Might, who was teaching that class.

As All Might was explaining what the class would be doing, he noticed Izuku, with Nedzu on his arm, and a Commando Corn next to him, walking towards their direction.

"Don't mind us, we'll simply be watching your lesson." Nedzu had said. The class was a bit anxious that they had the principal watching them, but still continued on. When the lesson was underway, some students kept on looking at the trio that was in the back of the room. They were planning something with the corn thing. What, no one had a clue.

After the lesson was over, they got out of their hero costumes and put on their gym uniforms, went to one of the open fields, and saw Class 1-B there, them having no clue why they were there, just that their teacher had told them to come out. The students chatted for a bit, with the occasional outburst from one certain platinum blond, when Izuku and Nedzu came out, the classes going quiet at their appearance.

"Okay classes, today, I want to challenge you all, and you'll have a reward if you manage to complete it. The challenge is to touch either me or Nedzu. That's it. If you succeed, you'll all have a week off of school. If you don't succeed, then you'll all have to do an entire day of training. Does everyone understand and agree?" Izuku had stated.

The kids looked at each other and nodded, signifying that they agreed.

"Alright, on the count of 3, run to us and try to touch us." Nedzu said, a large grin on his and Izuku's faces.


The students prepared to run.


Their quirks were now activated.


As soon as three was spoken, all hell broke loose.

The students then ran as fast as they could to get to the duo. There was about 100 meters between them and the classes. Izuku then raised his hand, lifted his pointer finger, and about 100 Corn came from the ground. The students stopped for a second, before they were assaulted with small pieces of corn. Then, someone saw a potato with a smile on its face get thrown on the ground, and after a few seconds, a large piece of butter fell from the sky, and exploded, sending most of the kids a few meters back.

Then, more and more butter came from the sky, either one large one or many small ones. Big corn cobs were also thrown their way, and combined with the many small corn kernels, made it really hard to dodge. And on top of that, Izuku made the kernels feel like paint balls, so the kids would have a lot of bruises.

Izuku then heard an explosion that sounded different than the rest, and saw Bakugou coming towards him, his face in a large scowl. Izuku simply pointed his finger up at the boy, and about half of all the corn stopped shooting at the others and targeted him. Bakugou was then assaulted with hundred of small kernels, him loosing focus on his flying, and came plummeting to the ground. He was fine when he hit the ground, but really bruised from all the kernels that came his way.

After a few more minutes, 40 students were on the ground, sore and covered with small bruises, with sadistic laughter coming from both Nedzu and Izuku. They were then told that they had to go to Recovery Girl the next day, and rest up for the remainder of the day. They were then dismissed, 40 students limping back to their dorms, tired and worn out from being wiped out by corn.

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