Something You Can't Mess Up

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It was an average sunny day in the academy for gifted juveniles. Positive with the hint of unsettling fear, but the students try not to focus on that. Especially Kaito Momota, he always wanted to see the best in everyone and everything, just like Keade did.

Though today was different, today was the day he tried confess his feelings for Maki. Sure he's only known her for a month or so, but with his time running out... he had to do this. At least make his feelings known. It didn't matter if she didn't return them, it only mattered that she knew.

About the late night training sessions that always made his day brighter even though it was dark. How he thought it was cute when she would get flustered and start fiddling with the bow on her sailors uniform, or how captivating her eyes were when they got cold and narrow when she threatened to kill someone. To let her know how happy it made him feel when she opened up to him and Shuichi, even if it was only a small detail. Those moments gave him hope for her future, a hope that if they were together then everything would be okay, that she would be openly happy. And one of his hopes that he will take and believe till the day he dies, is that he wants to see her happy represented by a smile on her face, even if it's a small one.

He wants to let her know.

Which is why he was going to make a move on her, hint at it before revealing his feelings. Because if that went wrong, there'd be a chance of ruining their friendship he carefully built up. There'd be a chance of her shutting everyone out again, shutting him and Shuichi out.

"Don't worry Kaito, I'm sure everything will be fine." Shuichi reassured, as Kaito paced around his "sidekick's" room.

"Yeah, there's no way I'd mess this up. For I am Kaito Momota, Luminary Of The Stars!" Kaito declared walking out of the detective's room confidently walking to the training spot where Maki had been waiting for him.

"You're late." she notes curtly.

Hooking a hand on around his neck, a half smile on his face, she saw the light sweat on his forehead glisten in the sunlight.

"I got caught up in giving Shuichi detective advice." a bit far fetched for a story, one that made the assassin roll her eyes

"You were giving the ultimate detective, detective advice?" asking quite skeptically, since she knew he liked to make up stories.

"Well he is my sidekick." Of course that would be his rebuttal, rolling her eyes again, she sighs annoyed at his bark.

"Kaito, I don't know why you asked me here, but I'm leaving." standing up from the bench, taking a step to walk away, he quickly grabbed her hand pulling her back towards him. "Do you want to die?"

"I asked you here to see if you wanted to hang out today." Completely ignoring her empty threat, the words from the boy's mouth, paired with his normal charming smile, set off this weightless falling feeling in her stomach. One that she didn't want to let go.

"Whatever." looking away, face flushed red, Kiato notices their hands, feeling his face flush with heat, he quickly pulls away, not wanting to scare her off.

"So where are we going?" Kaito asked her, only for Maki to sigh in annoyance.

"You walked into this day blind." a statement rather than a question. this was the part of him that was so frustrating to Maki.
You always have to improvise situations.

"I didn't have anything planned past asking you." he explained honestly. Taking a deep breath, she took her hand in his and pulled him around campus, looking for things to do.

Their day itself was mostly walking and helping others with tasks, since Kirumi was... no longer able. They did go to the casino, where Kokichi challenged Kaito to a game of blackjack, which he had lost, multiple times, having to be pulled away by Maki. By that time the sun was starting to set, deciding to get dinner from the dining hall, they met up with Shuichi and talked about their day over some soup paired with rice. When they finished the boys did the dishes since Maki made the soup.

Saying good night to Shuichi after their nightly work out, the pair decided to take a walk around campus. Talking about nothing, Kiato decided to take his leap of faith, and make his move. This is no time to be a coward! He's freaking Kaito Momota, Luminary Of The Stars!

"Maki roll,"

Ignoring the nickname, "Yes Kaito?"

"The stars look beautiful tonight."

"It appears so."

Stopping in front of the dorm building, Kaito took a deep breath still looking up at the sky.

"Someone else looks as beautiful as the stars tonight too." he says slowly, his nervousness showing though.

"Who?" a question that he had to answer, one that made him turn to face her, looking in her red eyes with such sincerity it was hard to keep a blush from spreading across her face.

This was it, this was the moment that he was to make the assassin fall for him. The moment of all moments.

"Me." well fuck.



Quickly pushing her away, he retreats back to his dorm room, proceeding to bang his head against the wall, cursing his stupidity. While Maki on the other hand was left to her own devices in a pile of confusion and annoyance.

In the morning after Kaito decided to sleep in, and stay in his room for... obvious reasons.

"You said what?" Kokichi asked breathlessly, who happened to over hear the entire conversation, his laughter filling the empty dining hall.

"Yeah Kaito how did you mess up such a simple line?" Shuichi wondered out loud sitting next to the pile of embarrassment and sadness known as his friend. While Kokichi's laughter turned into gasps, collapsing on the ground out of his chair, Kaito groaned, face down on the white table slightly banging his head.

"I panicked." The pained answer from the astronaut, only made the liar laugh more as the detective tried to comfort his friend.

Something You Can't Mess Up (Maki x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now