Remember, remember

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Chapter XVIII

Echo and the Bunnymen: The Killing Moon

"And where do you think you're going!" I jumped from the bed, mum hot on my heels, she seizes me as I push open the Hospital Wing door.

"I'm going to protect them. It's my job and if you dare try and stop me-"

"You'll what! Arrest me? Guinevere, you are not in your right mind now, if you know what's good for you, you'll get back into bed and let me explain." Callous laughter fell from my lips as I snatched my arm back.

"After twenty years you want to explain? For the first time in my life mum, my mind is perfectly clear. I know exactly what I have to do, why don't you hurry off and find someone else to pity you." Her countenance fell and I felt a creeping amount of repentance, heightening only as I got closer to the Whomping Willow, my feet becoming quickly coated with thick mud. All I could hear was distant screaming, running towards the sound I realised I hadn't my wand, but for some comforting reason, I knew I wouldn't need one.

The Whomping Willow moved frantically, but Hermione wasn't in sight. As it's branches rose, I saw a small gap at the bottom of its trunk. Remus told me this was how the Marauders would sneak out during his transformations, closing my eyes, I could see his memory of their last transformation, his dread filling me as if it were my own. Completely caught up in myself, I didn't see the branch hammering down to me, I fell to the ground, my hands shielding my head as I waited for its crushing impact. It never came, opening my eyes ever so slightly, the branch hovered inches above my head, it seemed to recognize my staring and almost extended itself to me, like a helping hand.

Lifting and guiding me towards the small opening, I looked up at the Willow, placing a tentative hand on the trunk, a shuddering oscillation ran through me. Something like static life. It felt like a soft squeeze across my chest, and the Willow straightened itself as I retracted my hand, my chest hammering like I was going to burst. Focus.

Shaking the tangibility, I slipped down the gap, my hospital gown covered in dirt. Madam Pomfrey would have my head. The tunnel forced me to crouch ever so slightly, taking tentative steps, my legs shook from this pulsating feeling in my chest. The light slowly seeped in, the tunnel came to an end and I took in the dreary sights of the Shrieking Shack, despite its appearance, it had been a great comfort to Remus for many painful nights and I couldn't help but feel the utmost respect for it. Shouting rang from above, I placed a hand on the bannister as I-

"Come on Moony!" Sirius bounded up the stairs, his friends following.

"Pads anyone would think you were excited about this shitty night." Remus sighed as he undid his school tie.

"He just likes an excuse to run wild. Well, even wilder than usual." James grinned, calling down the stairs for Peter, Sirius sauntered towards Remus.

"If you must know Moony, I like these nights because we can be together. I know we're always together, but this, it's different." His hand slipped into Remus's shaking one and smiled gloriously.

I snatched my hand away from the barrier, cradling it as if I'd been scolded. Squeezing my eyes shut I shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows, I didn't have time to understand any of this as I began clambering up the stairs.

"Run along and play with your chemistry set!"

"I could do it you know. But why deny the Dementors?" Snape. But who was that? Crouching on the steps, I angled myself better to see the other man. Everything froze when his face came into view.

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