Horror within

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Chapter VII

Two Door Cinema Club:Undercover Martyn

"You alright there Quinn? Looking a bit peaky." Snapped from melancholy, I couldn't help but feel somewhat lighter as I stared at the faces of the infamous Weasley twins.

"Of course, now what are you two up to?" I folded my arms and grinned at their mischievous smirks.

"Finding a new way out this bloody prison." George sighed, I chuckled at their boldness to confide in me, despite my 'professor' stature I'm glad they saw me more as a friend, an ally.

"Filch found our old passage. Now Mrs Norris is sitting there, just staring... that cat is part demon, I'm sure of it. So, now if you'll excuse us, we have to find a new way to cause our mischief." Fred ran his hand through that flaming red hair.

"I think I may be able to help." I grinned, whilst looking bemused, they followed me towards my room, their eyebrows raising slightly as I invited them in. "Oh get over yourselves. I'm sure I brought it along with me." I rummaged through my items, "Yes!"

"Wow, Quinn, a piece of parchment! Now we really have to go."

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I tapped my wand to the parchment and ink infected the paper, names and places all becoming clear.

"How the fuck-"

"This is probably your best way out." I pointed to the part on the map I had been studying previously, just in case Sirius Black decided to make an entrance. The twins studied it with absolute awe, "and when you're finished, just tap and say 'mischief managed.'" The ink returned to my wand as I handed them the map.

"And how exactly did you find this?" George asked quizzically.

"I-" The explanation got stuck in my throat as I found myself undeniably bemused at how exactly this did come into my possession. "I can't remember, it's just always been with me," I answered honestly. The twins left with excitement plastered over their face "And if anyone asks-"

"We nicked it from Filch's office!" They called as they turned the corner. Where did I get it from? Settling down for the afternoon, I pulled some students papers towards me and begin marking them, but how could I concentrate when all I could think about was Remus, but most importantly that map and my mother. There was a tapping on my window, I opened it slightly and Hedwig skipped in.

"Hello, you." I stroked her head lightly, feeding her some treats I untied the letter from her ankle.


Thank goodness you wrote, I was starting to get worried, although this was not the letter I expected. I have no idea how that Trelawney you speak of knows me. Maybe we met her at a witching fare we took you and Hermione too. I'm glad you both reconnected, maybe this is the one good thing of you going to Hogwarts. Keep safe, I love you. Write soon.

Love, Mum.

What exactly was so scary about Hogwarts?

"Professor Quinn open up please!" My head snapped towards the door, ripping it open, I saw Ginny Weasley.

"Ginny, it's lovely to see you-" The small girl grabbed my hand and dragged me through the castle. "What's going on?" I asked frantically.

"The Fat Lady, she's gone!" Ginny stopped directly in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, or where she should be. Claw marks gashed her picture, I ran my fingers through them as the Gryffindors gathered around me, commotion erupting.

"Let me through I'm Head Boy!" Percy pushed students aside, placing a hand on my shoulder to drag me back, I pointed my wand at him.

"Hands off." His look of surprise caused amusement on the Twins faces. The paintings voices grew louder as Dumbledore approached us.

"Mr Filch? Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."

"There's no need for ghosts Professor. The Fat Lady's there." The students followed Filch's direction, they shoved past each other as they ran to the Fat Lady. I stood still as I scanned the castle, adrenaline coursed through me as Dumbledore questioned the Lady. Before she could answer, my hands were steady as I gripped my wand, her words echoing to me.

"Sirius Black!" Harry's eyes met mine as he trembled. This was what was so frightening at Hogwarts.

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