I felt my arm prickle, a shiver ran down my spine as I heard the tap tap tap at my window. The glass trembling in its frame with each noise. I ignored it at first, assuming it was a branch swinging in the wind, but it became more constant, faster, louder. Everything was telling me not to get up, not to leave my cocoon of blankets, and yet I peeled back the sheets, creeping up to my window. The glass was so steamed up I could not see a single thing on the otherside. Saying a prayer, I unlocked my window and opened it. I wasn't sticking around for someone to reach in and stab me so I scrambled back over to my bed and hid under my quilt.
A nose, that's what came first. A long, knobbly nose, peeking round the corner. Then came the rest, a shrivelled and wrinkled face, pale skin and red red lips. But when she looked at me, with her sharp green eyes, it felt like she could see into my soul, reading my history and writing my future.
A cadaverous hand brought forth a mysterious object. The figure placed the thing on my desk, atop of all the clutter. All of a sudden, the object started to float towards me and it fell down at the end of my bed next to my feet. I must be dreaming; yet when I pinched myself nothing happened. Magic isn't real. Magic isn't real. Magic isn't real. My attempts to convince myself this wasn't happening were abysmal. The witch jumped down from my window, I expected a crash as it was a big drop but nothing, just a large gust of wind that slammed my window shut.

The Witch In My Window
Storie d'amoreOne night, 17 year old Sean is asleep when a witch appears at her window and leaves her a mysterious object. She has one week to seduce all the people who have their name written upon this object or her family's bank account will be drained. There's...