2 ~ Lulu McWoth

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I could not stop thinking about what happened last night. I try to focus my mind onto quadratic equations but my thoughts are racing round my head. What did that note say? Should I have opened the object? Should I have thrown it away? Tap. Tap. Tap. I can feel the taps of the witch's finger on my arm. Tap. Tap. Ouch! I didn't realise I had zoned out in maths class but I was getting jabbed in the arm by the girl who sits next to me. Lulu McWoth. Transferred here from America last year, she does not understand England in the slightest. She asks for my rubber but of course she doesn't call it that, she calls it an eraser. She says lots of funny words; she says trash instead of rubbish, she calls the pavement the sidewalk and she says that English people are too polite. I think she's a bit rude. Lulu McWoth is a strange sort of person. Its as if everybody is talking in Comic Sands but Lulu McWoth, Lulu McWoth talks in Times New Roman – using silly words and mixing up football and rugby. She has a pretty sort of smile though, the type of smile that when she smiles, you smile too. Her thick brown hair is so long that she could be the modern day Rapunzel and she always wears it up in cute buns or long braids. She isn't plastered in makeup either, I've never been to America but all the American girls on TV look worse than the chavs that hang round by Tescos. You wouldn't think she was any different from the rest of us, until she opens her mouth and speaks. She does chat some utter crap, that's why most people don't like her. But I talk to her, I sit with her at lunch because she is so unaware of the social status I hold; and she is fun to talk to. I wonder if I should tell her what happened last night...

I think about it as I shovel rice into my mouth, Lulu is rambling on about our royal family and how its so stupid that a 7 year old would get the throne before a fully grown adult. I don't think I should tell her about the witch, she'll start asking questions, being nosy like she always is – that's probably an American thing.

"Sean? Sean are you listening?". Lulu bursts my bubble again.

"What is it?" I mumble bleakly, wishing to return to my thoughts. She invites me out to Costa, she always complains about there not being a Starbucks anywhere near here, she says it was one of the best parts of America. I preferred when she was complaining about Prince George. I would go with her to get Coffee and flapjack like usual but with everything that happened last night, i need to get home.

"I'm sorry" I say, "I have something I really need to do".

And then that's when she starts asking the questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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