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A few months later
Sapnap POV:
Today's A day of fun we are going on vacation talking about it I should get ready

After getting ready I started to head to my car till I got a call (btw its summer!) I noticed it was from George

"Ello?" I asked

"can you pick me up today for the vacation" George asked nervously.

"yeah sure, why?" I say as he start getting excited

"well dream wanted to come with and I just did that to see if you would allow me or someone to come, but I also do need to use your car mine is being repaired by my mom😅" he answers

I go speechless but agreed.

"great!" George says smiling.

George hanged the phone up before saying bye and I was already     to worried about how quiet the car ride will be a 2 hour drive somewhere in silence is just weird I mean someone will say something.(ps they don't say much!)

When picking up dream and George I smiled and wave yelling that I was there in a happy tone they got in the car now its time for the silence

30 minutes later dream says "so how are you?"

"Who are you talking to?" I answered back

"both of you!" He replied

"oh I'm good!😊" George says over excited to break the silence and the awkward moment

"I guess I'm fine just a little uncomfortable at the moment😅" I replied shortly

"that's good I guess" dream says to us

A few minutes later I turn on hay loft and let my playlist go till I hear it switching playlist to my private after finishing that one I quickly turn it off and asked for song suggestions

"How about were all mad here by SJ Tucker?" Dream says

"NO how about lily!" George says

"how about we do dreams I haven't heard it yet!" I replied with handing dream the phone to change it to the song

Dream turns the song and they start liking it

After the song we had a half hour left we put in lily after we gave each other turns to pick songs

I picked part of me and George picked the sprinkle song for his second song and lastly dream picked the game of life

After the songs we had to go on a plane to go to Wilbur and technoblades house (yes I did adjust the story a little!)

When we got there Fundy and Bill were also visiting who is so we said hi and started unpacking in the guest bedrooms

Karl came in and waved we were confused on how he got here and he said he was in the trunk we all looked at him like he was crazy (I mean he is😅)

He tells us he was ment to go in georges car but heard his mom took it to get repaired so he just hoped in Sapnaps Trunk

"Why my trunk?" George asked

"well uhh jimmy said he would bring me back in a few hours so yeah but I'm waiting now" Karl replied

"So mrbeast did this.." George says

"yes..."he answered

" ok" George says shrugging it off

And so it was the start of the vacation.

As The Days Go By-DreamnapWhere stories live. Discover now