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Cheryl takes one of my fries. "You have 5 interviews tomorrow. 2 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon." She whispers. I take a deep breath and lie my head on the table. "Plus Jimmy Fallon!" I groan. "I know you hate them, but one of them is for the Register! So it'll be Betty or maybe Alice." She says trying to lift my spirits. "Great." I sigh. "Alice scares me." I say quietly. She smiles. "Yeah! You're not the only one." I look outside and see a bunch of people looking at me with their phones and cameras. "Veronica!" I call out. She looks at us. "Can I pull down the blinds?" I ask. "Yeah!" She smiles. I do so and sit back down. "You guys can go downstairs if you need more privacy." She says walking over. "I can pretend to close, no one is here." Cheryl and I look at each other. "We can it's your choice." She whispers. "I guess." We go downstairs and finish our dinner.

"We came back home to get away from everything." I say quietly. I look at Cheryl and see her reading her book. She looks at me. "They just keep following me everywhere I go." I add. "We can go on a trip." She says closing her book. "Somewhere private. We haven't gone camping in a while." She suggest sitting up on the bed and get closer to me. "We can get one those fancy ones that are already made for us since we both hate doing all the dirty work." She says quietly. I smile a little. "I feel like you already planned this out and are trying to make it look like it's my idea." I say quietly "Maybe..." She grins taking my hands and pulling me closer to her. "You're lucky I was thinking the same thing." I say cupping her cheeks. "It'll be a nice get away from our get away." She jokes. I pull her into a kiss. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too." I say quietly. "Oh! It can be for our anniversary." She suggest. "How long have you had this planned?" I ask quietly. "About a week." I nod.

Cheryl fixes my jacket. "Don't fuck this up and don't say anything about the fact we're trying to have a baby. If he ask you say maybe in the future when things start to calm down." She whispers. "Ok, I won't because we don't even know if you're pregnant." She pulls me into a kiss. I kiss her back. "I should go wait by the curtain." I say quietly. She nods. "I'll see you after." She smiles. I go over to the curtain and wait for my cue. "Our next guest is a Grammy nominated singer and a very talented songwriter, now days before her new album Safe Keeping which comes out January 1st here is Toni Topaz!" I walk out, shake Jimmy's hand and sit down on the couch. "How are you?" He ask smiling. "I'm good!" I smile. "Life has been a little crazy, but good." I say. "I saw a video of you performing at Madison Square Garden with Dave Grohl a few months ago." I nod. "Yeah!" I smile. "It was an honor to be able to perform with one of my idols that I have looked up to since I was about 5." I explain. "It must have been very nerve-racking being up there with someone as big as him." I nod. "Yeah. I think my wife was ready to kill me for about a week afterwards I didn't really stop talking about it and it was definitely starting to drive her a little insane." He laughs. "Now how-how long have you guys been together?" He ask smiling. "Well, we met in high school and started dating around sophomore year and we've been together ever since. So about 10 years, and this is our 3rd year of marriage. Our anniversary is next week actually." I explain. "Now you can probably guess what the next question in but you know I have to ask. Is there any plans on having any children anytime soon?" He ask quietly. I smile. "Ah! We've definitely talked about it! But it's kinda hard to do so, since neither of us are male, so we have to go see a doctor and all of that. But we'll definitely be having kids at some point." I say not trying to give away anything. I take a deep breath. He nods. "What does she do for a living?" He ask smiling. "Well, she makes promotional ads and content for different people! She is luckily able to do that from the rode." I explain. "Now your album that comes out on. January 1st." I smile. He pulls out the album cover. "Now, how old were you in the picture and why this one specifically?" He ask. "I was about 7 and I picked this photo for my album cover because I went back to my hometown to really get to my roots, that's why the album is called Safe Keeping, it's about stuff that's really important to me, and one of those things was my childhood! And it was either a picture my friends use to blackmail me, or a picture of Cheryl and she would kill me if I did that." I explain. The audience laughs a little. "It's true." I smile. "Now, the first single off it Golden. Did you name it before or after Harry Styles?" I laugh quietly. "It was after, and not on purpose! It just happened. I didn't realize it until my friend who has a little bit of an obsession which is a little concerning pointed it out!" I explain. "And weirdly enough, both songs have similar meanings. But mine isn't about Louis Tomlinson!" I joke. "You'll be preforming it later right?" I nod. "Yup." He looks at the camera. "We'll be right back everybody stick around after the short break we will here Toni's debut of Golden!" He announces and everyone claps as the band starts playing.

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