End Of The Day

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I feel my body shake and it wakes me up. I open my eyes and hear the tv. "What?" I ask turning to Cheryl. "Look." She whispers. I look at the tv and see my face on the screen. "What is it?" I ask quietly. "You were nominated for 3 Grammy's." She whispers. "I'm probably not gonna win like last time." I say quietly. "Toni! This is a huge thing!" She says. "Can we celebrate in the morning? I have the day off we can do whatever we want." I ask quietly. She smiles. "Yeah." I nod. "I'm sorry, I just haven't been sleeping." She nods. "I know." She whispers stroking my hair. "Do you want me to turn the volume down?" I shake my head. "No, I need the background noise. Also how did you figure out the tv it wasn't working for me!" I say sitting up. "I called down to the front desk." I nod. "Just try not to wake Maria." I whisper looking over at our daughter. "She's out cold."

Maria and I go into the breakfast buffet. "Uppy!" I smile and pick her up. I look at Cheryl. "You're gonna be on, James Corden tonight which means we have to leave in an hour because it's prerecorded." She whispers. I take a deep breath. "Do we have to talk about it right now?" I ask quietly. She nods. We grab some food and go sit down. I put Maria in a chair. "No!" She says. "Eat!" I say handing her some food.

I take a deep breath and take my meds. I hear a knock on my door. "5 minutes until you're on." One of stage managers says. "Thank you." I say. I look at Cheryl and she kisses me. "I love you babe." She smiles. "I love you too." I smile. "Don't be stupid out there." I nod. "Of course." I smile. I walk out and walk to the curtain. "Our next guest was just nominated for Record of the year, best rock performance and best music video! She doesn't need an introduction, Miss Toni Topaz!" The curtain opens and I see everyone stand up and clap. It's weird. I walk out and go over to James. I sit down. "How are you?" He ask quietly. "I'm good!" I smile. "Now where were you when you found out you were nominated?" He ask quietly. "I was passed out in bed. My wife Cheryl woke me up and I hadn't really processed what happened until the morning." I explain. He laughs. "How long have you been together?" He ask. "Ah! A while! I think we're coming up on 15 years, which seams like a lot but most of it was during high school." I explain. "How's your daughter doing? You've been very private, like we don't even have a name 2 years later." I smile. "Yeah! She's- she's good! She's perfectly healthy." I say quietly. "Can you tell me what her name is? All we know is that she's healthy and she's a girl!" He ask urgently. "That's stays between me and my family." I say quietly. "Can you give a hint?" I take a deep breath. "Ah! We decided to name her after my mom." I say quietly. "We thought it would be fitting that we name her after someone like my mother." I explain. "She died when I was young, and I don't remember a lot because it was so long ago, but I remember how amazing and caring she was and I hope my daughter can be just like her." He nods. "How old were you when she died? If you don't mind me asking." I think for a second. "I was about to turn 14." I say quietly.

I walk downstairs. "Hey babe." I whisper walking into the kitchen. "Hey, did we wake you?" She ask quietly. "No!" I whisper. "I'm just not able to sleep at the moment." I say sitting next to her at the table with Maria in her chair. "Isn't it a little late for her to be up?" I ask. "She wasn't sleeping and I think she's just hungry." She says handing her another piece of banana. "We're gonna have to slowly ween her off this diet of banana's and cherry flavored yogurt." I say quietly. "Yeah, she won't eat anything else." She says quietly. I look at her and just admire her beauty. I smile while she just rambles about Maria. She looks at me. "What?" She ask smiling. I move some hair out of her face. "I love you so much." I whisper. She smiles. "I love you too." She whispers. "I'm gonna head to bed." I say quietly. "Make sure she gets some sleep, I don't feel like dealing with a cranky toddler!" I say getting up and kissing Maria's head. "Go to sleep kiddo." I whisper.


I walk into the bedroom after putting Maria to sleep, and see Toni sleeping covered in sweat. I take a deep breath, knowing there's nothing I can do about it. I just lie down next to her and rub her back. She quickly wakes up in a panic. "Hey, it's just me." I whisper. She nods lying into me. "What was the dream?" I ask quietly. "I don't know, it was just scary." I nod. "Go shower." I whisper. "Mhm... what about you join me for a bath?" She ask smiling a bit. "Yeah!" I smile. "Grab the baby monitor, I'll get the bath ready." She says getting up. I get up and grab the monitor. She goes into the bathroom and gets the bath ready. I walk in and slowly take off my clothes. She smiles. "You're so beautiful." She whispers as she takes off of her clothes. "We should get in." She smiles. We slowly get in and just relax. I hear something on the monitor and grab it. "She ok?" Toni ask quietly. I nod. "Sound asleep." I whisper. She smiles pulling me onto her lap. "Oh, it's one of those nights." I smile rapping my arms around her. "Do you mind?" I shake my head. "Not at all." I whisper. She kisses me and slowly moves her hands up my thigh. I moan quietly and we immediately hear crying. "Shouldn't she be sleeping through the night by now?" She ask quietly. I get out of the bath and grab a robe. "Yeah. I don't think she's gotten used to the time change yet." I whisper. I get up and go to Maria's room. Before I can do anything she's already asleep. "Wha-!" I whisper confused. I make sure she's ok and walk out. I go back into the bathroom. "She fell asleep before I could do anything." I say getting back into the bath. "Where were we?" She smiles kissing me. "This is the most alone time we've gotten in a while." She whispers. "I'm usually passed out by now." She adds. "We really should-." I stop her. "Toni?" She looks at me. "Shut up and fuck me before we get interrupted again." She nods pulling me into a kiss and slowly brings her hand up my thigh again. I moan as her fingers slowly enter my body. "Oh!" I moan gripping the back of her hair. "You ok?" She ask quietly. I nod moaning into her shoulder. "Fuck!" I whisper. "Faster." I say quietly. She thrust her fingers faster.

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