Chapter 22

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Ahan's PoV:

I realised that it was useless to spend time in the office and try to forget Ashiya because surely it wasn't helping so I decided to leave for home and help Mom with some work. I had just reached home when I saw Mom sitting on the couch with five to six baskets of strawberries on the table in front of her. Ayan was lying with his head on her lap and was busy savouring the fruits.

Author's PoV:

"These strawberries are sooo good," Ayan moaned in delight and his mother smiled. "We should share these with our neighbours," he suggested.

"Yes, I was thinking of sending a basket to Saba. She loves strawberries," she replied and Ayan proposed taking the basket to Saba's place. Mariam had almost agreed to it but she noticed her eldest son standing near the door. Smiling, she spoke, " You better take one basket to Ghulam's house and give it to his daughter. I've heard she is fond of them. As for Saba, Ahan will be doing the honour of taking them to her."

Ahan was caught off-guard when he heard his mother taking his name. Out of modesty and fear of being caught, he tried to deny the offer but his mother knew him too well. Upon being pestered, he finally agreed with a frowning face and dancing heart to take the fruits to the house of the lady he had been thinking about the whole day.

Meanwhile, Ashiya was all prepared to take down on the suitor coming for her. The plan was simple: Banu would be standing on the roof to see when the suitor comes and as soon as he nears to enter the house, she'd let out a whistle. Ashiya would be standing inside near the door and spill grease oil on the floor upon hearing the whistle. This way, the suitor will enter the house, fall, get angry and reject her. Simple and intellegent.

Ahan's PoV:

Upon reaching the address of Saba Khala, I tried to keep my composure. In no way could I allow myself to give in to my emotions and let my affections be visible to Ashiya. I. Need. To. Stay. Calm.

Giving myself a mental note, I parked my car and headed inside. Their house was light brown, two storey building. It was a bit old but looked good anyways. They had a small garden with yellow, white and pink rose plants. There were some other weird looking flowers as well which I couldn't figure out. Out of nowhere I heard some sound, probably a whistle and looked around but found nobody. Weird.

Okay, so I'll get inside and call for Khala, greet her and ask about Ashiya- no! I'll ask about her health. Yes. That would be righ----


I suddenly fell flat on my butt after slipping on something. My hands had gotten dirty with what I figured out was grease. WHAT THE HELL! To say that I was angry would be an understatement. I was fuming. Who spills grease on the floor? And why?? My questions were answered when I looked up and found two almond shaped eyes, full of shock and fear, looking at me. There she stood, in grey sweatpants, a baby pink shirt and black hijab. Her hands covered her mouth and she looked... cute.

Ashiya's PoV:

WHAT IS UP WITH THE UNIVERSE???? Ya Allah! I'm am dead meat for sure! Ammi is going to kill me. But before that, this man lying on the floor with his greasy butt is going to cut me into pieces and feed them to cats. No no no!!!

Before I had the time to say something to him, Ammi entered the hall and was shocked to see Ahan. He looked kinda funny though. But I knew I'd be inviting death if I laughed.

"Ya Allah!" Ammi exclaimed and hurried to help him get up. He stood up taking her hand and greeted us. Ammi apologised to him and cursed the person who spilled grease on the floor. She kept on apologising to him for good two minutes even after he said that it was fine and he wasn't hurt. Only when he told her that he had forgotten a basket of strawberries inside his car, she stopped and walked out to get it. Soon after she left, he turned to me and I looked down, wishing to be swallowed by the earth.

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