Chapter 5

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Reminder: Pray your salah before reading this.

Ashiya's PoV:

After we had had our coffee, Ayan had to attend a phone call so he left me in the office all alone. I kept waiting for him for ten to fifteen minutes before my patience gave up. What was up with these brothers and their phone calls?

Sighing, I came out of the office and started wandering around the building. I met a group of workers and they seemed nice people. They told me that the office was new and that they would like to give me a tour of the building but I declined the offer politely. I didn't want Ahan to see us and then get angry at his workers.

I waved them a goodbye and walked away from them. As wandered aimlessly, I suddenly collided with something rock solid and the next thing I felt was the cold floor against my butt. Damnit! I rubbed the spot where I was hurt and felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked up to see it's owner and of course, it was him, Ahan, the Majestic.

He stared at me with his usual straight face, probably mocking my clumsiness in his head. He bent down a little and I thought he was going to help me to stand up but then his hand reached beside me and picked up a red file.

"Watch your steps, Miss," he said as he dusted the file in his hand, his voice just as emotionless as him. And you watch your behaviour, I wanted to yell at him but I swallowed my anger and glared instead. He's such a... Nevermind! "Are you planning to settle down on that floor forever? Get up," He literally ordered me and I felt like kicking his ass.

Quickly I stood up and shot him the deadliest glare I could. If looks could kill, he would have been dead by now. I turned around and left him without a word.




Ahan's Pov

Is this girl mad or something? Why does she keep colliding with me? I guess she really needs some help, I thought. Plus, she has got really big eyes that are enough to freak the hell out of people.

She got up from the floor and rubbed her butt, making me look away from her. I felt her shooting death glares at me and I didn't understand why. It's not like I pushed her to land on the floor. She, herself, collided with me and fell.

Turning around, she walked and I could figure out that she was really furious. But why though? Anyway, I already had a lot of work to take care of so I had no time to think about this weird lady.  I began to walk in the direction of my office and noticed that there was a group of workers standing near the elevator.

As I approached them, they got aware of my presence and stood erect. One of them greeted me and I nodded.

"It's not lunch break yet, why are you people standing here?" I inquired and they started looking at each other's face.
"Answer me," I demanded when they didn't speak up.

"They all were talking to the girl from your office," I heard Asgar Bhai and saw him walking to us. "She was standing here, doing something with her phone, when these two men," he pointed at Danish and Avinash, from the marketing department, " saw her and came here to talk. And then the rest of the men followed." I understood that he was talking about Ashiya and turned to the men.

"Is this what I am paying you for? Simping over women?" I questioned and they looked down in embarassment.

"We were just asking her if she needed anything, sir," Danish said in a low voice and everyone nodded.

"All of you together?"

That shut them up again and I closed my eyes as I felt a headache approaching me."Get back to work," I ordered and they all practically ran away from the spot.

"Should I get you some tea, sir?" Asgar Bhai asked and I shook my head.

"Just some water, please," I said, "also, just take look around to see that the girl isn't causing any more trouble." He nodded at me and left quietly. The girl is a mess for sure. She causes disorder wherever she goes.

"Bhai," Ayan's voice brought me out of my thought and I turned around to look at him. He was scratching his neck and smiling sheepishly. I knew that look. It meant that he wanted something from me. "I was thinking if you could lend me your car for today," he asked and I rolled my eyes at him. This guy is never satisfied with his own stuff. He always has his eyes on mine and Arhaan's stuff.

"You have your own car," I said curtly but I knew he was in no mood to give up.

"Bhai, I gotta go out with some of my friends tonight and my car has gone for servicing. Arhaan is also gone, therefore, I need your car, you know, just for tonight. Yours is way better and cooler than mine." That's true. My car was better than his because I took better care of it. "Pleeeaase," he said and I suppressed a smile at his behaviour. He looked just like when he was a semi bald toddler, who used to play in my lap and grin all day. There's an age gap of ten years between us and five years between Arhaan and me. Arhaan was also like a little baby to me but with Ayan it was a bit different for I remember every phase of his childhood. He was the most pampered kid among the three of us and he knew how to make use of that. It's like he was born just yesterday and now he is this college going kid who still behaves like a two year old sometimes.

"Be back by twelve," I ordered and threw the keys at him which he caught like a pro,"and drive carefully," I warned him as I began ro walk away.

"Thanks Bhai, you truly are the best," he yelled in happiness and I smiled at his childish reaction.

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