Chapter 39

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Pray for Palestine. Pray for humanity. Pray for all those who are in need.🙏

Author's PoV:

"Heya!" Shifa and Saira beamed and engulfed Ashiya in a bone crashing hug while Ahan seemed a little taken aback. "We went out to shop for something and thought of dropping by," Saira spoke after releasing Ashiya, and Shifa nodded.

"That's... wonderful," Ashiya smiled, still recovering from the surprise. "Come, have a seat," she led them inside her bedroom as they greeted Ahan, who in return greeted them back with a polite smile and went out of the room. Ashiya couldn't beleive how unaffected Ahan looked by the two gorgeous ladies with their naturally beautiful faces and straight-out-of-the-spa hair. She hadn't seen a single man who didn't swoon these two.

"So..." Saira wiggled her eyebrows as she took a seat on the couch. Ashiya unwrapped her hijab from her head to let her hair dry properly.

"So?" She shrugged with a frown.

Shifa rolled her eyes, "is he romantic?" She joined her hands in excitement. Ashiya looked from her to Saira and bit her lip.

"Hmm," She looked away as her subconscious narrowed her eyes. She didn't know what to say. Ahan's gestures made her feel things she had never felt before. They overwhelmed and dared her to let go of whatever held her back. With him, she felt things she couldn't decipher.

"Hello?" Saira waved a hand in front of Ashiya's face making her blink. She looked confused. "You zoned out."

"Yeah, I was thinking about tomorrow's function," Ashiya lied, "I'm super excited for it. Mariam Khala said that she has chosen an exquisite dress for me. What about you guys? What are you gonna wear?"

"Designer gown," Shifa answered in an excited tone and the ladies got indulged in their own discussion of clothes and shoes.




Ashiya's PoV:

I made my way towards Khala's bedroom after Saira and Shifa left. They tried to dig out some details regarding romance and stuff from me but I was smart enough to dodge them. I don't ever intend to disclose my bedroom stories to anybody, not even my best friends.

I knocked on the door and turned the knob after I heard a "come in" from inside. As I entered, I saw Khala sitting on the bed with some jwellery pieces kept in front of her. She smiled when she saw me and gestured me to come forward.

"Have your friends left already?" She asked as she picked a bracelet out of it's box. It was made of pearls and it looked... expensive.

"Yeah, they just dropped by to say hi to me," I said and noticed how lovingly Khala was staring at the bracelet.

"Oh," she mouthed and reached for my hand. She put the bracelet around my wrist and smiled. "I think this looks good on you," she picked up another piece of jwellery, a pendant this time. It was simple and elegant, a round crystal in the middle with diamonds around it. "This and the bracelet were gifted to me by Ahan's grandmother," she said noticing my confusion, "and now I want to gift this to you."

"Me?" I asked, sounding like a mad woman,"no no, I'll end up losing it." She chuckled and shook her head.

"No you will not. I trust you," she placed the pendant on my palm and closed it. After a moment of thought, I decided to accept it and smiled at her, muttering a small "thank you." "Now tell me, is Ahan taking good care of you? If not, then I'll smack him."

I laughed, picturing Ahan being smacked by his mother. That would be a sight to behold. "He's good, a lot better than I expected actually," I answered. "He's a gentleman, Khala and I think it's because of you. He understands me and he respects me, I hope I'll be a good wife to him." It was true. He was, indeed, a gentleman.

"Awww, someone is smitten," she grinned, sounding like a teenager listening to her best friend's love life. "May Allah reward you with a long life filled with togetherness and lots of children," she beamed making me blush.

Around 11 pm at night, after we were done with our dinner, I got a call from the hospital. I still had ten days before I was supposed to join but the management were now requesting me to be back within four days. Apparently, they were going to conduct health check ups for underprivileged people in the hospital itself and I, being one of the new physicians, was supposed to be present for my learning.

I told them that I'd answer them within two days, which I needed in order to talk to Ahan. I was in the balcony, trying to think about this matter when I felt a presence behind me. His fragrance hit me and I automatically relaxed as I felt his arms go around my form. His touch ignited the same excitement in me and I closed my eyes as he placed his head on my shoulder, his beard tickling my cheek and neck.

"You seem a little stressed," he whispered against my ear and kissed it. I chewed my lip in order to control a moan.

"I... the..," I realised I was stammering so I cleared my throat and turned around, his arms still around me. He looked tired, his eyes ready for sleep and his hair unkempt. "I got a call from the hospital..." I started as his eyes anticipated my next words, "they want me to be back after four days."  I waited for him to look surprised, widen his eyes or raise his eyebrows at least but nothing happened.

"And...?" He asked and I frowned. Is he serious?

"Don't you have any objection? It's been only two days since our marriage," I tried to reason but he seemed to have understood nothing.

"Why would I have any objection? It's your job and the decision is supposed to be yours," he shrugged and I was surprised to see how nonchalant he looked. "I mean, it's up to you if you do not want to join so soon but how do I have a say in this?" He waited for me to answer but I had none. After a few seconds, he held my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"Look Ashiya," he said in his usual melodious voice, "I know you are a newly wedded bride so you're expected to behave in a certain way," he paused and took a step closer. His breath fanned my face as he took hold of it, "but I also know that you love your job. You're a doctor and you have worked hard to become one. You deserve to move ahead in your career for which you will have to look past these norms. I think you should join your duty as soon as possible."

I opened my mouth to answer but he cut me off, "And I'm not saying this because I'm your husband but because I am older than you so I think you should take my advice." I narrowed my eyes at him to which he nudged his nose against mine.

"Fine, old man," I said with an eye roll and he looked surprised. In the blink of an eye, I found myself picked up on his shoulder, his arms holding my legs to stop me from kicking. He made his way inside and threw me gently on the bed. I looked at him with my eyes wide and he smirked.

Climbing on top of me, he gripped my hands and placed them above my head, his eyes reading my face. "Old man, eh?" He asked, his voice dripping with amusement and...darkness. I gulped and tried to come up with a comeback, while my subconscious teased me.

"I will scream," I said, my voice barely audible, making him raise his brow.

"Oh, will you?" He tilted his head and regarded me, studying me as if. "Don't you think that will give our family a wrong idea, babe?" As soon as my mind registered his words, I blushed. He inched his face closer while his gaze landed on my lips. Closer, closer and closer.

I felt his lips on my jaw and I inhaled sharply, failing to catch any air. He looked up and I knew what was coming so I shut my eyes close and waited for it. Nothing. He didn't kiss me.

"Look at me, Ashiya," His voice was smooth and joyful. I opened my eyes and saw his face a little far now, smiling at me. His eyes held no darkness, they looked gentle. "Laters," he said and pecked my nose before leaving my hands and getting off me, leaving me confused and panting for air.

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