Chapter 33

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Ashiya's PoV:

I was out with Shifa and Saira to shop for myself. There was only a week left for the wedding date now and I could feel my insides tickling whenever I thought about it. Ammi couldn't be more excited, she cleaned the house twice everyday and had given it a makeover herself. Relatives of mine had already started coming and I was thrilled to have my cousins at my place. My cousins are the best.

My friends on the other hand, had already started planning about what they were going to eat at my wedding. I remember when I had first told them about Ahan, they were surprised. All of them found him hot but thought that he looked a little snobbish. Saira defended him saying that he was a very kind hearted man who helped random strangers if he found them in need.

Now, we were at the city mall, buying last minute stuff for ourselves. I had already bought dozens of new dresses for myself that I would be wearing after marriage. My wedding lehnga, sandals, and jewellery had been bought a week ago when I had gone to shopping with Mariam Khala.

"Look," Saira pointed ahead, "I think we're gonna need those for you, babes." I followed where she was pointing at and realised that it was a lingerie shop.

"Why? I've already bought enough pair of undergarments for myself," I said and they frowned.

"Really? Which ones?" Shifa inquired folding her arms over her chest.

"The regular ones...?" I answered and both of them face palmed themselves.
"What? Am I supposed to buy gold embroided undergarments now?"

"No, silly. But you do need some better lingeries. Come, we'll help you," they dragged me by my hand before I could protest. We entered the shop and saw half naked mannequins standing with seductive poses all around the shop. There were two ladies sitting across the counters. One of them smiled at us and we decided to go to her.

"Sexy lingeries for a new bride to be," Saira said and my eyes almost bulged out.

"WHAT? NO!" I yelled to which the shop lady suppressed a chuckle. Saira and Shifa rolled their eyes and gestured the lady to not listen to me. In a minute, there were around ten sets of lingeries laid out before us, all of them managing to embarrass me.

"What do you think?" Saira questioned. I opened my mouth to protest but heard Shifa's voice.

"I think the red one is nice," she answered and I realised that the question wasn't directed to me. Great. "The pink one is cute too," she added thoughtfully.

"Oh, and the black one? I think that will make her look hot af!" They discussed as if I wasn't listening to them.

"Great then, let's get these three," Shifa suggested and Saira agreed to it. The shop lady packed the three embarasing sets of cloth pieces and handed it to me.
"Ahan is going to drool over you, honey, and I mean it," Shifa winked at me and burst out into laughing with Saira.




Ahan's PoV:

I was at home, sitting with my friend and cousins in our lawn. My house was full of relatives who had come from different parts of the country to attend my wedding. I felt a little uneasy due to the crowd at home but couldn't say anything. According to Mom, all of my relatives deserved to enjoy the wedding of the eldest son of the family, which was me.

Since childhood, I have had only one friend, Haris. He had just returned from Canada last week and immediately came to visit me when he heard of my wedding. He pretended to be upset with me for not being told about Ashiya but I knew he was just kidding. My cousins, Ruqaiya, Faiz, Abaan, Muniba and Nabeeha, reached my place this morning, all of them ready with their dance routine.

"She's pretty," I heard Nabeeha, my sixteen year old maternal cousin, who came and sat on the chair beside mine.
I smiled at her and nodded.

"She's a doctor, right?" Faiz asked as he flexed his biceps. Apparantly, he had been trying to impress Ruqaiya with his well built form but she didn't seem to care less. "She looks quite young for that profession."

"She has got pretty eyes," Muniba commented and I nodded.

"I hope she teaches this guy to be more relaxed," Haris said and everyone laughed, "she'll tame you, buddy."

"I'm not an animal," I retorted.

"You're a beast," Ayan's tired voice was heard as he approached us. He was sweating and panting for breath. "You're a beast who gives hell load of work to his baby brothers," he accused and I shook my head with a sigh. Such a drama. I had told him to fix the water tank on the roof and here he was, being melodramatic.

"Come, sit here," Abaan motioned him to sit beside him and he followed.

"By the way," Ruqaiya chirped, "where are you going for your honeymoon, Bhai?" Now I had everybody's attention.

"Haven't decided yet. I'll have to take Ashiya's opinion first," I answered truthfully and they all nodded.

"Take her to Switzerland, it's a beautiful place," Muniba suggested.

"Or Venice," added Ruqaiya.

"Or Vegas," we heard Abaan and all of us gave him a disgusted look to which he laughed sheepishly.

"Suggestions noted," I raised my hands, "will announce my decision once I have talked to Ashiya." That silenced them all.

We then started discussing about the sangeet ceremony which was going to be held tomorrow and the ladies' excitement was on next level. They began to list the songs they were going to dance on and how the boys could have been a little more helping in their routine.

Later on, we heard our mothers calling us for dinner and we went inside. There, the aunties kept commenting on how good Ashiya looks and I smiled with pride.

Only a week to go and then she'll be mine.


I know this was a little boring but I'm going to make it up in the next chapter. Trust me please.

Also, please leave comments, even if it's just an emoji.

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