Origins III

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The tent looked nice enough. I was sitting on the floor next to Nico and Ralph, while the twins and Jason were further away. The tent would've looked worse had there not been the colourful birds and butterflies flying around. For once, I was speechless. The flying creatures in the tent were so beautiful. I was trying to find out how my friends didn't care! The chief stared at me, he seemed to be amused by my wonder. "So, Peter," the man began, "are you ready to speak nicely now?"

"I was being nice before!" I retorted.

"Your friends were nicer," he said simply.

"I would suggest brain damage from the fall, but he's like this all the time," Nico said. I glared at him.

"You're so dead," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that, Pete? I don't think I heard you," Nico said. He knew full well what I'd said. His voice said it all. I could hear him smirking.

"I said...that...I hope they have...dough bread! I like bread especially when it's made out of dough!" I said, desperately trying to cover up what I said. I did wonderfully like always.

"Bro, that was bad even by my standards," Ralph whispered to me. Ralph was always the most honest, and he only ever lied when he had no other option. And when he lied, they were really bad. If what I'd just said was bad according to him, it was even worse to everyone else.

"You do not have to worry about dough bread. We have plenty," the man said. At least he tried to act like that's what I actually said.

"Can I know your name now?" I asked.

"You may. I am Criciro. Now, I must know--"

"Why are there birds and butterflies flying around?" When I said that, one hit me on the head. It almost felt like a small fist.

"They are not birds or butterflies. They are fairies," Criciro said.

"Oh, I don't be-" I said, before Nico and Ralph both clamped their hands over my mouth.

"You cannot say those words. If you do, one will die!"

"I...knew that," I said.

"Sure you did," Nico said. I punched him on the arm. One of the fairies landed on my shoulder and blew a raspberry at me. I ignored it.

"Now, I must know how you knew to find here," Criciro said.

"We...didn't. I just found some plane tickets, and all of us took the plane," Ralph said.

"Are any of you orphans?" Criciro asked, leaning closer.

" We aren't," Jason stammered.

"Then why did you leave?" Criciro asked.

"Well, my parents hate each other, so I had nothing to lose there," I replied.

"My mom yelled at me for stealing her ring, even though I know that she just misplaced it. If she won't listen, then I'm not wanted," Nico said. My eyes widened. I'd never heard him say something that mean before.

"My mom was making chicken parmesan for dinner," Ralph said.

"I ran away to get rid of my brother. As you can see, it didn't work," Tanner said.

"It didn't work for me either," Damien quipped, bouncing off of his doppelganger's reason.

"I was grounded for 3 months for mouthing off to the principal, and I didn't want to deal with that," Jason said.

"Hmm...I know someone you can go to. You'll find him near the sea. He should help you. As long as Peter doesn't mess it up," Criciro said.

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