inos being bullied

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Sais pov
As the bell rang I went outside and went to get my recess from neesan who always delivers to me but inoticed ino was nowhere to be seen but her stuff are at her desk I became suspicious and investigate I went to the academy and heard a yelp
! I quickly moved to the distress and I saw ino being cornered by my classmates she was being bullied
Hey!what are you doing?
Bully:why do you care?
2nd bully:yeah say it to him bro.
3rd bully:man f**k this I'm gonna bash his head
My classmate went to me charging but I just sweatdropped I avoided his attack and kicked his chest well I was 4th in taijutsu but I don't know how that happen maybe because of rock Lee Sasuke and neji (sigh) then I went for the two but they look terrified so I gave them a death glare and well they ran outside
Inos pov:
I opened my eyes and I saw Sai infront of me he was smiling at me I was looking for the bullied but they were gone
*(Tenk yuu si..Kan)*
Sais pov
Huh? I was dumbfounded I realize she can't speak properly so I gave her a confused grin
She pounted and stood up she bowed her head and smiled at me then I tried to tease her again I joked that I don't understand her by making fake sign language that I don't understand her that made her pount even more...she was through with me then she grabbed my hand and lead me to the classroom she grabbed her skecth pad and wrote something
Inos pov
Is he serious even though he can't understand me he's gotta know I'm thank full so I grabbed his hand and went to the room I grabbed my sketch pad and wrote on it

Thank you that's what I'm saying       baka!!

Sai's pov
Oh..I was dumbfounded and scratched the back of my neck then I wrote on her pad
Its alright the only thing that matters is your safe...uh can we eat together?
Inos pov
Can we eat together?I blushed at him but he still has a straight face at me with a smile..I nodded and he grabbed my hand and lead me outside it was the best memory that I ever had in my life and I hope I don't forget or lose the person I made the memory with....

Flashback end:
Boss:why are you sleeping it's time for work get to it mr
Sai:hai sir on the double
Boss:good now I want you to pass this report and I want you to keep an eye on my new intern she is a beginner plus she's deaf and I don't know the other details look at it for me okay
Sai:hai Naruto
Naruto:hey man I told you call me boss when we have office duty's
Sai:haha okay boss
Naruto:good now keep up the good work dattebayo see ya

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