First days and introductions

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Your POV:
After we arrived at Loki's room I noticed all the books, hm so he likes to read. I watched Loki sit at a desk covered in sheets of paper and open books, I walked closer and then I felt the bubble of magic that was surrounding it.
As I sat at Loki's feet he looked over at me with a, surprised face? What is it? I asked, "oh nothing it's just you got through my magic" he replied still slightly shocked. Was I not supposed to? I questioned.
"No no, it's just, well actually for once I'm confused, nobody has been able to get past my wards on my room let alone the ones surrounding my workspace. You are the first to get this close little wolf" he explained
Oh ok at least I know I really am special I thought looking over at the window.
"Indeed you are little wolf" he said

I walked over to the window and watched the moon rise in the sky even more I calculated it's been around 3 hours since I came here so that makes it 1 a.m.
I heard a yawn behind me, I turned around to see Loki looking really tired oh he's staying awake with me
I walk over toward his bed that just screamed comfort, I look down trying to not remember the sadness I felt earlier that night singing for my mum and brother.
I looked back at Loki who was still at his desk working, I thought the gods had to sleep too? Maybe it's just less than a human? I decided to get Loki to sleep cause id need him tomorrow seeing as I don't trust anyone here yet.
Um Loki? I called mentally to the god.
He turned and looked at me with droopy eyes obviously tired "yes sunny?" He asked  um I just shouldn't you be asleep at 1 in the morning? I called again.
He looked over at the wall and saw a clock ITS A CLOCK WOW IVE NOT SEEN ONE IN AGES it looks so shiny.
I heard a laugh from over by the bed this time, I look and see Loki has changed from his green suit to some joggys, wow didn't think I'd ever see a god in joggys
"Seeing as you have nowhere to sleep you can sleep on the bed with me unless you want to sleep on the floor. I could make you a large dog bed if you'd like?" The green god asked
Wait on the bed like with him.... I mean it does look comfy. Sunny the gods waiting for an answer
Sure if you don't mind it does look comfy I said
With a nod he jumped into the blankets and tuned his back to me. I carefully jumped up onto the bed using a little bit of my shape shifting to pull back on my claws as to not rip his blankets.
Oh it is soft just like it looks i thought curling up into a ball at the gods side leaving enough space between us wow it even smells nice, wait what did I just think that Loki's bed smells nice? Ughhhhhh just go to sleep Sunny
That was my last thought as I went to sleep.

Loki's POV
However sunny wasn't aware that the god beside her had heard the bit of sadness in her voice when she thought that the bed was comfortable, why was she sad though? Why didn't she have a pack? Wait did she think my bed smelt nice? Why do I want to protect her? I'll figure it out in the morning sleep calls me.

And with that the two were asleep curled up in bed happy to have a companion

Your POV
I woke up to the sound of doors opening and closing. I realised I was still on Loki's bed, I turned over and saw Loki facing my direction but obviously asleep. I heard more doors where is it coming from? Who is awake at half 6 in the morning?
I softly jumped off the bed and made my way to the door. I noticed that the door had been opened slightly when I approached, Loki must've done a spell so I can get out doors without my hands.
I crept down halls looking for the culprit of the opening doors I turned the last corner and saw Blondey at the kitchen island. I walked over and nudged his leg with my nose to show I was there. With a Yelp he looked down at me with concern then recognizing it was the wolf he saved.
"Hiya wolfy what are you doing up? Where's Loki? Why am I talking you're a wolf you can't speak back" he said then looked sad.
Hmm maybe I could speak telepathically to him and he could just talk normal? Would that scare him?
Um Blondey I can speak I carefully spoke in his mind.
When I say he jumped 10 feet high I wasn't joking.
"You-you can talk, you understand so Loki wasn't lying" he asked. Yep can talk, yeah I understand and no he wasn't lying I returned with a slight growl when I said loki wasn't lying.
"Wait how is this happening?" Steve asked
Well I'm not sure if Loki told you guys or not but I'm not a wolf, I'm not human either I'm a wolf shifter but I think you humans call us werewolves . I spoke again.
"So werewolves are real too now? Great" he said looking at his food
Why are you awake? I asked
"Oh sorry, this is normally when I go for a run around the forest which is where I found you, but I'm just eating first"
My forest he runs around my beautiful woods, so he's running man
hey Steve do you mind if I come with you I need to run to my cave and get some things? I asked politely. I got a sure in reply.

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