Pranks and strategies

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Your POV
My alarm was buzzing on the bedside table.
I grabbed my phone turning off the buzz.
I sat up rubbing my eyes.

Fun begins now! I said evilly to my red wolf
Let's sooooo do this she replied excited

I jumped out the bed, and tip toed down the hall.
I made my way past Wanda and Nats rooms without any noise. I was now turning into the boys hall.

Loki you awake? I sent him

No reply. Great I have to wake him up.

Fin you up? I sent my brother from the hall
His door slowly opened revealing my brother, a wide smirk on his face.
Ahhh, baby sister you know I am. I heard his voice and nearly burst out laughing but was able to contain myself.
I'll get Lo. You get Bucky bear I told him he nodded and crossed the hall to Buckys room while I walked into Loki's

I shut the door gently and ran onto his bed. "Wakey wakey Lo, we have pranking to do." I giggled shaking his shoulders.
"Hmmm. One kiss for wake up. And another kiss for co operation at half 4 in the morning" he mumbled making me giggle
I kissed him gently twice and he eventually got up.

The two of us snuck down the hall, past everyone's rooms to the common room.
The two of us sat on the sofa waiting for my brother and Bucky.

"Took you long enough" I whisper shouted when they came in
"Sorry I was in the bathroom." Bucky told us, and I had to stifle another laugh.
"Let's just do this" Loki said

We all nodded. I grabbed the marbles and climbed into the vents and poured them around the corner that Clint likes to use.
I came out and put some screws in the vent grate. So he can't get in with the big vent, so he'll use the small one and slip down the vents to the rubbish shoot.

I turned to my brother who, was mixing up all dads tools. Moving shelves, and gadgets.
He then changed the password for his suits. But left it accessible to us if an emergency came up. Even Jarvis couldn't open it.
He then reprogrammed Jarvis to say "radical dude" and "spongebob" after every sentence

Bucky was making some fun tricks too.
He had put cling film (the clear thing you put on sandwiches or food) on the doorways. And putting honey on it.
And he put some nearer the ground to trip the boys up.
He then made pancakes but made them look all molded. It was disgusting looking but they tasted as delicious as always.

Loki was most mischievous. That's his title I guess.
He had used his powers to make all the furniture stick to the roof. Not literally he had just made an illusion, and moved all the real stuff to the side so nobody would walk into it.

I grabbed everyone stuff. So caps shield, Clings arrows, Nats widowbites, wandas jacket, sams wings, dads glasses, Bruce's tablet, visions cape. And surprisingly to me, I could carry mljnior. And I put them all in dads car.

Loki didn't seem surprised that I could carry the hammer, Fenir and Bucky were surprised but just shrugged it off after a couple seconds.

When everything was in place we ate breakfast then went to our rooms to grab clothes. The boys would then come to my room and we'd wait for everyone to wake up.

I grabbed a pair of shorts, an orange tank top and a white over shirt jumper thing.

Loki teleported in the room landing gently on my bed and lay down half asleep. He was wearing a green shirt and some black shorts.
It was like 6 in the morning.
Soon Bucky and Fenir came. Both wearing shorts and T-shirt's.

I fixed up my sofa for Bucky, and he lay down for a quick nap.
Fenir lay down on my bean bag with a blanket also taking a nap.

I walked to my bed and lay down beside Loki. We joined our hands together and I lay my head on his chest-shoulder area.
I can't wait to marry you. He told me
I just smiled and looked up at him.
Me too. I love you so much Loki. You are the only one I'd ever love. I replied smiling our head tapped gently. And we shared a quick kiss before we also fell asleep.

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