Hell Hole

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She sat in her untidy room which she shared with her 3 sisters,reading the leaflet from the recruitment centre when her step-dad walked in.

"What is that rubbish you are reading?"

She tossed it under her pillow,"Nothing,it's nothing"

"What was it!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. 

Chantelle was really reluctant to tell him what it was so she just said,"Its just a thing from school"

"Yeah right", he laughed. He grabbed her and tossed her to the side while he searched around her bed trying to find it. Little did he know, Chantelle had stuffed inside her school blazer pocket so he wouldn't find it. When he couldn't, he got angry and picked up her school bag and threw it at her bedroom window and walked out.

When he had gone, she picked up her phone and open the army website Trying to look for the entry requirments...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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