The Day her life changed.

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"Shut up!" She heard her mum scream to her other 5 siblings through the thin walls of the council house that she lived in with her mum, dog,5 sisters and brothers and drunk step-dad. Her dad left when she was only 4 and her, supposedly called father figure, was incapable
meaning that she lived up to high expectations and do the jobs her dads should be there to do. She missed her dad, she may have not known him for very long but all the memories she had together seemed to be good, happy. Although whenever he was around her mum was miserable. Chantelle recalled crying, shouting 24/7, not a lot's changed though. It went screaming from mum and dad to Chantelle's step-dad screaming at her instead.

This is how the day started. Her step-dad screaming at her to wake up and get to school. So that's what she did. This place was an escape for her even though she doesn't pay attention and is failing all her classes. Chantelle doesn't care, all she cares about is being out of the toxic household she is supposed to call home. She was in geography, learning about 3rd world countries like Afganistan and Algeria. Chantelle rarely contributes, and whenever she does its always some sarcastic comment but today was different.

" What would it be like there miss?"

Her teacher seemed shocked as she said, "imagine the prettiest mountains and azure blue lakes but being surrounded by Taliban, armed police and gunshots being fired all around you. How would you feel?"

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