The End

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A/N Listen to song while reading :) song is Half a Heart by One Direction

" Delfy, come on, honey. We're just waiting for you." My mom called out as she knocked on the door.

" Mom, I'm not going." I cried out.

" You can't miss you're mate's funeral. This is your last chance to say goodbye."

She's right.

I got off the bed and went into the bathroom, showering for the first time in 2 days.


I was outside and dressed in black in 20 minutes. Mom linked our arms and guided me outside where the pack was gathered.

Some were crying when they saw my appearance and others gave me looks of pity. I stood behind while they buried Blaine's body. The ceremony was quiet. No one dared to say a word in respect of their alpha.

Tears rolled down my face as the crowd began moving back towards their houses. Some stayed, saying some last words. Mom waved her hands, " I'll give you some time alone."

I nodded and walked towards the ground where the coffin was buried. I sat down beside it and stroked the ground. " I really miss you," I smiled, " I never thought I would hear those words come out of my mouth. I remember the first time I saw you. I thought you were this monster. I was wrong. I tried giving the title of alpha to Casper but he said he couldn't do that. I tried reasoning with him, telling him that I couldn't run a pack. ' I'll teach you.' Was the only thing he said."

" Blaine, you have to come back. I can't-won't- live without you. I feel so lonely," I cut myself off. I got off the ground and dusted myself off, " I love you."

I turned around and ran back to the house.

Back at the house, I stripped from my black clothes and put on my pajamas, going back to dreading my life.


I woke up to a tear stained face. I waddled over to the bathroom and looked through the cupboards, rummaging around for the pills the pack doctor recommended for me. I swallowed two and looked at myself in the mirror.

A girl looked back at me. She had dark bags under her eyes and her hair was all over the place. But the most noticeable thing about her is that she had a look of emptiness in her eyes.

My eyes flickered over to the open pill bottle. I took a deep breath in while closing my eyes. I couldn't think those thoughts.

When I opened my eyes again, they were glued to the pill bottle. I hesitated before picking it up and dumping the pills into my hand. Just before I could swallow them, I felt something brush my lips and a warm breeze around me. I froze.

" Don't do it." I heard a familiar voice whisper.

I screamed and dropped the pills to the ground. I crawled over to the corner by the bathtub and brought my knees up to my chest. I stayed huddled there for about an hour. Rocking back and forth, crying.

I don't believe in ghosts.

I heard the door slam shut downstairs and someone creeping up the stairs. I saw a shadow under the door, " Delfy, you there?"

Casper stepped into the bathroom. At the sight of me, he ran over and brought me into his arms. " Casper. I can't deal with the pain anymore. I don't know how long I'll last."

" You have to stay strong. Blaine wouldn't want you to give up so easily. He would want you to forget about him and move on. Don't think of the past, think of the future." Casper stroked my hair as he whispered those words into my ear. I cried into his shoulders, most likely getting his shirt wet. He didn't seem to mind though.

" Casper, what would you do of Leslie died?" I asked.

He froze and stared at me in shock. " I'd probably be doing the same thing you're doing, " he hugged me tighter, " but I'd learn to move on. To live life. You only get one shot Delfy, and then you're 6 feet under. I know Blaine was special to you but think about how your actions are effecting everyone around you." With that, he kissed my forehead and left me there.

My fingers ran over the spot where my mark used to be. Nothing remained of my mark but skin.

Think about how your actions are effecting everyone around you.

His words replayed in my mind.

Casper's right. I knew I could never forget about Blaine. I knew that I could never date someone else. I also knew that I had to move on.

I got off the floor and walked over to the sink. I looked at the pills spilled all over the place. Then I looked at the mirror.

I have a pack to run.

The girl that looked back at me looked new. I ran my hands through my hair and threw it into a high messy bun. I turned on the faucet and washed my face. I then walked back to my room and changed into presentable clothes.

As I pulled on my clothes, I was aware of a small smirk playing on my lips.

I pushed the door open and padded down the stairs. I turned and walked down the familiar hallway.

I stepped inside the familiar room and took a seat on the cold leather chair that meant business.

I looked at the golden name plaque engraved on the desk.

Alpha Blaine Blood Hound.

Without another glance at it, I took a deep breath and pushed it off the desk.

" It's alpha Delfy Reynolds to you." I said a loud, smiling up at the ceiling. And I somehow felt that someone was smiling back at me.

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