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[Delfy POV]

It was currently 3 in the morning, I heard a pounding at the door downstairs. I threw the covers off of me and swung my feet over the bed. I slipped my feet in my slippers and walked down the stairs pigface was already down, in only his boxers.

I ran over to him so I was walking next to him. " What do you think it is?" I asked him. He shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. He opened the door, allowing a cold gust of wind to blow my hair in different directions. I pulled my hair back and looked at the person at the door. Casper.

" Alpha, there's a problem." He gave Blaine a ' secret ' look. I saw his eyes fog over, telling me that he was mind linking pigface. I looked behind him and saw a light far off in the woods. Blaine nodded at him, then he turned to me and threw me over his shoulders. I squealed but got cut off by a hand slapping over my mouth. " Keep it down!" Casper whisper-yelled. Pigface ran up he stairs and threw me into a room.

He went in with me and closed the door. " I need to take care of some business, it's not serious I'm just not going to take any chances, whatever you do, do not come out of this room."

" Can't I just come with you?" I asked. He sighed in frustration and shook his head. " I just need to sort some things out, you'll be bored."

" Something is happening and you won't tell me." I answered confidently. He didn't answer me, instead he turned around and closed the door, locking it from the outside.

Blaine's POV//

Casper told me that someone suspicious was at the border. I knew it was something I could take care of, but just to take precations, I locked my mate in a room. You never know...

After making sure my mate was safe inside a room, I walked to my room and threw on a random pair of pants and a shirt. I then ran out the door, making sure to lock it. I met up with Casper and some of the best fighters outside. We shifted and ran to the border.

The border is an hour away from all the houses, but in wolf form, it's 30 minutes. I finally decided to assign border patrol after hearing about the human incident. I knew my pack could take care of themselves, but it doesn't hurt to keep them protected.

At the border, I shifted behind a tree and threw on my clothes. " What's up guys?" I asked the 23 men at the border. " This." Francis pointed to a...human?

My eyes hardened and I stepped closer. " Explain why you're here human."

He gulped and tried to avoid eye contact. " N-nothing. I w-was just taking a walk, a-and I ended up here. P-please let me go. I swear I won't trespass again." He begged. I snapped my fingers, ordering my men to follow me with the human. We walked back towards the the center of the land, where the dungeons were located.

The human hesitated to go through the rusty, metal doors. But with a push from me, he stumbled inside. I closed the door and lead the way down the candle-lit concrete hallway. I heard water dripping and the creepy laughs of my prisoners. Some of them have gone crazy.

I ordered my men to strap him to a chair while I sharpened my claws. Once I was all set, I walked over. " Tell me who sent you." I threaten through gritted teeth. I hold my claws against his throat, ready to press into his skin at any movement. He gulped and tried to avoid my gaze.

" N-n-no one, I was j-just walking, I already told you."

" Look kid, I'm trying to make it easy for you, tell me what you know and who sent you or it's not gonna end pretty for you." I growled. He shook in fear and squirmed in the chair. I pressed my claws harder into his throat which drew a drop of blood.

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