Have Fun

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" I have to go to another meeting with the council. I'm leaving Casper with you, I'm expecting you to behave. Am I clear?" Blaine asked the very next morning.

" Yes Mom." I said teasingly. He rolled his eyes but couldn't resist the smile that was twitching at his lips.


" Casper the Friendly Ghost has arrived!" I screamed as Casper stepped into the kitchen where I was eating Ramen Noodles. Blaine left 5 minutes ago, not that I was complaining or anything.

" Yes, he has arrived!" He playedq along.

" Casper, do you have a mate?" I asked once he sat down next to me.

He stiffened at the question but forced a smile. " No I don't. But when I do find her, I'm going to reject her. I don't need a mate to be happy."

" But Casper, a mate is your other half. I believe once you get a chance to know her, you will love her more than life itself." I encouraged. He snorted and raised an eyebrow at me.

" What about you and alpha Blaine? You treat him like horse crap while he treats you like a princess. And you're telling me about love?" He snapped.

He noticed what he said and instantly apologized. " I'm sorry luna, I shouldn't have reacted that way towards you."

" It's ok Casper, and don't call me luna!"

" Look, can we just forget this conversation happened and have some fun?"

I nodded and slurped up the remains of my Ramen Noodles, throwing the bowl in the dishwasher. " Leggo."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out something. I saw what it was and instantly started backing up.

Oh no.

In his hand, Casper was holding a tiny water gun. That little son of a she-devil.

Before I could react, he squirted the water at me. I squealed in surprise and the coldness of the water. " Casper Brentley, I'm gonna kill you!"

And with that, he took off.

I laughed and ran after him. He was running towards the screen door leading to the backyard and patio. I tripped halfway there and fell on my knees. I grabbed onto the counter and hoisted myself up. I grumbled to myself and stepped onto the patio looking around the backyard. There was a huge pool in the middle of the backyard. Though it was empty, I assumed that nobody used it, since Blaine was the only person who lived in this house and he didn't seem like the kind do guy to have a relaxing day in the pool.

Other than the pool, there was a little shed off to the side. It was a simple backyard. On the huge patio was a big black grill that looked like someone bought it yesterday; not a scratch was visible. There was the regular chairs and table and an1 umbrella going through the center of the table. Nothing special. Though everything looked expensive.

Leading to the pool, were the same tiles on the patio floor. They were encrusted into the grass.

I heard shuffling behind the shed. I smirked, instantly knowing what that was. I took steady and quiet steps towards the shed, holding back a giggle once in a while. I rounded the corner and screamed.

" Gotcha!" But I was met with a bunny scurrying. I sighed in defeat and raised my arms in surrender. " Ok, Casper! I have only tried once to find you and I am already bored. Just come out but don't spray me."

It was cold.

I was splashed with a bucket of water, the coldness of it piercing through my skin like needles made of ice. Where did he even get a bucket?

" Ok, games over. I win. You lose." He smirked, fully aware at the death glare I was sending him.

" Oh really?"

Out of surprise, I tackled him to the ground and started tickling his sides. He bursted into fits of giggles. " I'll do...anything...just stop!" He said in between laughter.

" Go make me a sandwich." I commanded.

" I didn't mean it seriously. Get off your lazy ass and make yourself your own damn sandwich."

" Ok, just 5 more minutes of tickling will do then..." I blackmailed.

" Ok, Ok!" He said, his eyes widened in fear.


Blaine's POV

" Well, alpha Blaine, your father never paid the debt." Fredrick said to me. Fredrick was the leader of the council. What they were saying to me was total bullshit, he should be scared because when I'm done with him...

" My father paid the fucking debt! I was there with him the day he did!" I slammed my fist onto the smooth wood, making everyone at the long table jump in surprise.

" Yes you were, I remember very well but he only paid a quarter of it."

" So what do you want me to do? I don't have 15 million dollars."

" Well you will have to pay it in 2 months or else we throw you in the dungeons and separate your pack."


Delfy's POV

Pigface came home angry as fuck. His face might as well be considered a tomato. His nostrils flared, and his perfect was hair flying in every direction from how many times he has ran his fingers through it. I wanted to ask what was wrong but I was scared. Yep, actually scared. I knew it had to do something with the council. The only times an alpha has a meeting with the council, is when something bad is when something bad is happening.

As soon as he entered the house, he dragged Casper to his office-probably to talk about the matter- and they haven't came out since. I was truly bored.

My legs were propped against the wall behind the bed and I was staring at the ceiling while hanging upside down.

I face palmed myself for the billionth time out of boredom. I was still thinking of how wrong it was of what pigface did to that poor girl in the dungeons. The rumors were true, he is a monster.

A sexy, hot, monster, and only ours.

I was so fed up with my wolf that I completely blocked her. I sat up straight at the sound of the door opening. Speaking of the devil...

Blaine came in. He looked more nonchalant but still a little annoyed. His hair is a worse mess now than before he arrived at the house. His face showed exhaustion, frustration, annoyance and anger. His eyes were lighter. They almost looked a really dark brown but they were still black.

He ran his tongue over his lips and ran his fingers through the perfect brown mess he called his hair. He looked hot.

Once his eyes landed on my slouched frame, he stood up straighter and gave me a slight smile. " Don't smile at me. I was bored the whole entire day while you played office with Casper."

" Fine then what do you want me to do about it?" He sighed.

I rubbed my chin in thought then smiled at the idea that came into mind. " Take me to McDonalds and I will love you forever!"

" Really, that's your idea of fun?"

" Hey, I like my food. Food is fun. Not that you would know what fun is anyway." I scoffed.

" Ok, you know what? Get dressed. I'll take you somewhere." He urged.

" I don't want to go with you. Can I go with Casper?" I asked, intending to make him mad.

He growled and gripped the the edge of the bed. " Casper is not your mate, I am. So you will go with me."

I sighed in fake disappointment and got off the bed, making my way to the bathroom to shower. Pigface better not be taking to some boring ass place or I will staple his balls to his forehead.






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