Stage 1 - Blind date

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Chapter 2 - Blind date

"It's gonna work Jess I promise!" Don said reassuringly.

"Are you 100% sure?" Jess questioned.

"Would I ever give you false hope Jess?" Don replied.

"You gave me false hope that you loved me..." Jess whispered.

"What was that?" Don asked.

"N-nothing!" Jess stuttered.

"Oh okie dokie!" Don said, very enthusiastically.

Charli enters.

"What seems to be the problem?" Chari asked, interested.

"Nothing! Orange peel!" Jess screamed.

"Jess, she could help..." Don pointed out.

"Oh my god! Help with WHAT!?"

"We're trying to get Drake and Jade together, care to help us?" Don said partially stating a fact, also asking a question.

"I'm so in." Chari said simply.

"I guess she can help..." Jess said reluctantly.

"Help with what..?" Jade said, half way down the hall to where they were standing.

"Uh..." Jess was lost for an excuse, makes a change.

"Oh hey Jade! We're just talking about..." Don thought long and hard.
"Christmas! Yeah, we're talking about Christmas!" Don said quickly.

"Hm..." Jade was unamused.

Don bit her lip.

"Makes sense! It is the 9th of December..." Jade said.

Don sighs as jade leaves.

"Well...that was way to close..." Jess said, empathising the way.

Charli pulled out her phone.

"I'm planning on setting them up on a blind date..." Charli thought to herself.

"What are you up to squirrel?" Jess asked.

"Helping your little, 'mission', you know?" Charli half-asked.

"By doing what?" Don asked.

"Setting them up on a blind date!" Charli exclaimed.

"Genius!" Don yelled.

"That's good coming from you squirrel." Jess said, shocked that Chari was being smart for once.

"I know, I'm so very smart." Chari stated, very sure if herself.

"Don't get used to it." Jess said.

"Huh! Are you trying to say I'm not incredibly skilled!?" Chari asked.

"Exactly." Jess said Simply.

"Rude..." Chari said, wondering why Jess had a thing against squirrels.

"ANYway, how are we gonna get them to go through with it? There both really anti-social..." Don asked clearly worried that the plan would fail.

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