So a lot of my friend have been cutting I won't name names but I really want to help them because I just feel like that they need the help and know one gives a shit but I do I read everything people say and all I want to do is help and be there for them one of my friend are my best best best friend and she cuts I can't just tell someone to stop they can't just stop when they cut they will never stop and I know this because well I was a cutter once yes I have cut myself and tried to over dose 😭😐
If I counted all the people that told me to go die I wouldn't even be past the millions 😭
To this point I don't care anymore if someone calls me a slut or bitch all I say is thank you because I am use to it I've been heart broken, forgotten, lonely, and I don't really care so it doesn't effect me
If you know some who cuts all I want to say is be there for them because that is probably one of the reasons they are cutting because they feel lonely and depressed so be there for the person
That is all I have to say but I hope if you read this and you are a cutter you will under stand that you have so many people there for you and you just need to take the mask off and pull the blade away from your skin

What happened with are love?
RomanceWhy does love hurt? Why does people have to take people away? Love isn't easy to fine. There is so many people at school that need to stop with there bs Why does everything always go down in flames I know it is because of the bs in everyone