Why is it when I get happy and actually smile for the first time for real and laugh and feel better about myself it changes
I was really happy with Jack and I feel like every time I'm happy something bad always happens and I just can't take it so I guess I shouldn't be happy anymore because when I am it kills me inside.
He probably doesn't know this but I haven't been able to sleep at night or eat or anything because my heart was in his hands and he crushed it just because stupid lies.
He hurt me so bad that I want to go to a different school because if I saw him I would burst out crying. And I don't think anyone knows but it hurts really bad especially if the one special person actually made you happy and made your life better
My mom has told me something and I hope we go along with it we were going to in the spring but she wants me to finish 7th grade and we might in 8th
It's moving schools I might go to Angevine I heard it was a good place so yeah
I can't wait to go maybe I will be happier there because I sure am not happy here anymore
What happened with are love?
DragosteWhy does love hurt? Why does people have to take people away? Love isn't easy to fine. There is so many people at school that need to stop with there bs Why does everything always go down in flames I know it is because of the bs in everyone