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    ALEXA ran as fast as she could to evade the large raindrops striking her skin. She had dismounted a bus a few minutes ago just when the sky clouded over. The intensified downpour had taken every pedestrian by surprise.
She kept her pace, not caring which route she took
Finally, her almost-lost hope for any form of refuge was restored when she spotted a Shed.  Drenched and frustrated she made her way to it.
The rain didn't look like it would decrease in its vigor and it was too dark to make out anything in the petrifying decrepit Shed.
She slowly sank to the wooden floor. Tears rushed down her cheeks as she erupted in sobs, rethinking her decision.

San Francisco, California,
United States of America.

Alison Harner jolted awake at the yell of her name. She sat up, blinking rapidly. Her thirteen-year-old sister, Alyssa, stood by the bed glaring down at her.
"What?!" She asked. Although her sister's actions weren't surprising, she was nonetheless baffled at the sour attitude. Alison glanced at the digital clock on her nightstand, which read 7:15 am. This was late because her family's morning devotion was supposed to be at 6 am.
Alyssa gave a bleak laugh.
"It was hard to believe you were still sleeping, Alison. I mean what sort of human sleeps when her sister is still out there missing."
It was then it hit Alison. How could it slip off her mind that her older sister, Alexa, who had been back from college for a summer holiday left home yesterday without anyone's knowledge and hadn't come back? They'd searched and called friends, but all efforts were in vain.
She looked up at her sister, puzzled.
"Alexa isn't still back?"
Alyssa narrowed her eyes at her and scoffed.
"Mum and Dad left for the police station early this morning and Nanny Tori and I have been awake since 6 am. When I didn't see you I thought you were out with them, but I find you with your sweet face still in bed like you've achieved your purpose."
Alison's brows furrowed dazed by what she was hearing.
"We were up searching for her late into the night and I never got enough sleep, okay? Stop all of these. We'll find her. " She got out of bed and headed for her bathroom. She sprinkled some water on her face mumbling some prayers.
"You care a lot! So sweet Alison." she heard Alyssa say before walking out and slamming the door behind her. Her words dripped with Sarcasm. Alison swallowed hurt and perplexed, but all she could do now was to pray.

Phoenix, Arizona,
United States of America.

Watching helplessly as the casket was being lowered into the Earth Henry Irwin couldn't tell what to feel. The weeping and lamentations of the people around kept reminding him over and over again that Brianna Evans was gone. He was never going to see the pretty blonde again.
Feeling someone touch his shoulder, he turned to see his honey-eyed brown-skinned sister—Hilary—smiling warmly at him. That sent a wave of emotion through him, making the tears he'd been trying to hold in since he had heard of Brianna's death begin to flow. Hilary took him in a comforting embrace, patting his back softly. He then looked up to see Mike Evans, Brianna's father, talking to some relatives who had come to console him. He pulled away from his sister and walked his way to him.
"Henry," Mike said once he saw him and took him in a hug.
"I'm sorry." was all Henry could say.
"Oh dear," Mike said letting go and looking into his eyes. "I must let you know my wife's sorry for her attitude towards you the day of the car crash. If Brianna was..."
"It's fine." with a slight smile, Henry cut him short. He didn't want to hear any of it. It only made him remember how he felt like he made it happen that day.
Brianna had been mad at him for missing one of her important performances and being too busy for their relationship. Her actions had surprised him because she always understood. If he'd stopped her from storming off just like her mother had subtly said, she wouldn't have been dead. He swallowed as the thought sent a pang across his heart.
"I'll be ba..."Tears choked his words and he walked away briskly from the funeral.
He got into his car tears trickling down his cheek. He ignited the engine and drove off with nowhere in mind.


Alexa's eyes shot open. She straightened blinking as her eyes adjusted to the brightness of day. She looked around and gasped.
Time-worn, dust-ridden furniture was scattered across the place, and the decrepit walls were almost falling in.
She looked down at the floor on which she sat. It was covered in dust and looked termite infested.
Anxiety surged through her and she got up to her feet taking her bag which was now soiled with her.
She walked out of the horrid structure and was dazed at the sight before her. Bushes and short trees filled the environment. She never noticed anything like this last night. Alexa stood still, totally nonplused. But not wanting to believe she was lost, she continued walking.
She sensed movement in the bushes around her making her increase her pace and then, something on all fours was sprinting in her direction. Before she could move, it was in front of her barking loudly with viciousness. It was a dog! A wild dog!
Alexa gulped fearfully, trying to keep herself from running.
Was this her death? She shut her eyes bracing herself for the worst.
God, please help!
She prayed silently.
He won't listen to you, this is your death, face it!
She cringed at the thought, her heart beating rapidly.


Stop wasting your time. This is what He wants for you; He hates you!

In a split second, she heard the dog howl loudly. Petrified she dared to open her eyes and the animal was nowhere in sight. She looked around wide-eyed, breathing rapidly.
what just happened?
Taking a deep breath, she managed to take a step forward.
"Wow!" A voice said in awe and she froze.


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