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      HENRY wondered how long his family and friends had been there waiting for him to arrive home.
"Henry, where have you been? We've searched everywhere for you." Hilary queried as she stepped out of one of the cars. He was about to answer that before his dad threw him another.
"Why did you leave like that? You got us all worried."
"Why weren't you picking up your calls, Henry?" His mother added, walking up to him.
" Let's allow him to give response to our questions one after the other. I don't think he could answer a couple at once." Brenda Evans, Brianna's twin proposed, as she walked over to him with his best friend, Ryan McCoy, following behind. She offered Henry a small smile, urging him to begin.
"I'm so sorry you all had to go through so much trouble. I just couldn't be there any longer. I had... " Henry sighed, not knowing how to explain to them. His mother touched his face comfortingly.
"That's okay. We can all understand what you're going through right now." Her hands moved to his shoulders. "Can you stay here alone tonight? Come home with us, dear."
"I'll be fine, Mom. Thank you all so much." He assured her with a small smile.
"Are you sure?" Mr. Irwin asked with concern etched in his voice.
Henry nodded before stating. "A hundred percent."
Ryan placed a hand on his shoulder. "If you've got any trouble, use the phone." He lifted his other hand to pat his head. "Don't ever do this again."
Henry gave him a look.
"Thanks for making me seem like a child again, and yeah, I won't do this again."
Ryan smiled teasingly. "Good boy."
    After they had all left, Henry took a shower and got on his knees to pray, thanking God for the events of the day and the lady he'd helped. He felt within him that his parents would have to know about the little assistance he'd rendered her.

Stepping out of her room, Alison cringed on hearing her parents raise voices at each other.  She plodded to the sitting room and plopped down on a sofa, pondering why Alexa could have done what she did. Didn't she even think of how it would hurt the family and those who cared?
She had just been home from college for spring break only to disappear and leave a horrible note without any reason for her actions. Why?
The front door creaked open jerking her out of her thought.
She looked to see Alyssa just about stepping out.
"Where are you going?" she asked, springing up from the sofa and making her way towards her. Alyssa turned to glare at her
"Why do you care?!" she snarled.
"Alyssa, everyone is hurting as much as you are. Stop taking it out on me, please." Alison said quite pissed. Alyssa looked away from her suddenly bursting into tears.
"You're all not doing enough to find Alexa. You're not!" Tears rolled down her cheek as she yelled "How could you be so relaxed?!"
Alison could only watch her. She was tired of her accusations.
"Alyssa, you can't go anywhere now and you know that. You'll be causing more trouble, if you don't keep to instructions. " 
" I don't care! I need to..."
"Alyssa get back inside! " Her father suddenly hollered as he descended the stairs. Alyssa's head snapped in his direction. Her hands balled into a fist as she walked passed him in rage. Alison looked at her dad. He wore a look on his face she had never seen before — frustration.
" Dad, are there any leads yet?" She asked hopefully.
He sighed and shook his head.
"Alexa must have been preparing to do this long before now. Can you believe her college admission has been deferred? I'm so baffled at why she'd do this."
For a moment, Alison was speechless. Alexa was the perfect student. She had stellar grades and won countless awards. Even graduated high school a year early. She couldn't think of any reason for Alexa's actions.
"Dad, there's something we aren't doing," Alison said on impulse. Mr Harner knitted his full dark brows at her and she continued.
"We've been so busy searching for her physically that we've left out doing it spiritually."
Her father looked downwards, thinking for some time then he looked back at her.
"You're right. We'll get the family together tonight. We've got to pray."

Alexa was woken up by a knock on the door. She sat up, wondering who it was. Her eyes caught sight of the time on the wall clock —10:05 am.
She frowned. She loathed waking up late like it was a disease. On hearing the knock again, she got out of the bed. As she walked to the door, she stopped to look at herself in the mirror. Her body was changing and soon she wouldn't be able to obscure the truth anymore. She looked away dispirited and proceeded to the door.
"Please, who is it?" She asked.
"Laura Forbes, Secretary."A female voice replied. Alexa opened the door and tried to smile a little.
"Beautiful morning, dear" Laura greeted her with a smile.
"Morning. Please, come in." Alexa made way for her and she walked into the room.
"I just thought I'd check up on you. Breakfast was ready by 8 am, but you must have been fast asleep. I knocked for ages."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
" What's your name, pretty?"
"Alexa Erickson." She lied smoothly.
Laura grinned. "Great to meet you, Alexa. Henry told me how he rescued you. I must say that was wonderful. I mean, what if he wasn't there? I literally wouldn't be talking to you..."
Alexa just stared blankly at her.
"I'm talking too much." Laura facepalmed. "But that was an obvious miracle that you should be forever grateful for."
Alexa sighed. " I'm grateful to him."
"Not just to Henry; to God most importantly."
Alexa was silent, wondering if the lady was trying to preach to her.
"Alexa, you've got to change into something better. Do you have any?" Laura asked, seeming to notice her stiffness to the topic in discussion.
Alexa's relief that she'd changed the subject was short-lived because she didn't like this one either.
She looked down at her stained clothes and then walked towards her bag which was also in a sorry state.
" I did," she said, lifting it. "I tried washing some of them last night, but the stain wouldn't bulge."
"Oh dear, you should have told me that. I'll have them dry-cleaned and sent back to you. Meanwhile, I'll get you something to wear." Laura said kindly.
"No, you don't have to. Thank you very much." Alexa said quickly.
Laura looked at her softly.
"Alexa, it's nothing. Allow me. I wouldn't want Henry meeting you in the same state by the time he comes around."
She couldn't let Laura lend her clothes, or worse, buy her clothes. How she detested situations like this. Depending on people wasn't supposed to be part of her intent.
" I really wouldn't want to bother you. Also, I haven't paid for this room yet. What's the cost, please?" She said rashly, walking to a drawer beside her bed, where her purse lay, and taking out her credit card.
Laura looked like she was suppressing a smile when she replied.
"Seven hundred dollars per night."
Alexa's knees weakened and she stumbled backward.
What was that guy thinking, lodging her in a hotel like this? If she stayed here more than a night, her entire savings would be wiped clean.
"Careful, Miss. Are you alright?" Laura asked, hurrying to her side. Alexa nodded quickly.
"I'm fine. I just didn't think it'd be that expensive."
Who was she kidding? Hadn't she seen this wasn't just any hotel?
Laura laughed then and Alexa's face flushed in embarrassment
"I was only joking with you. We're aren't that pricey. Don't worry about the fee; it's been covered. You basically wouldn't be in this room right now without that." Laura told her.
Alexa gave a bleak smile, defeated.
"I need to leave now. He'll be here any moment." Laura said before exiting the room.

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